She picks up on nearly the first ring. "Mia, aren't you supposed to be on the plane?"

"I'm not coming back... yet," I say, immediately, just wanting to get the worst over with.

"What do you mean not coming back?"

"I'm staying here, for a while. I'm not sure how long."

"Because of that man? Mia," she utters, her tone reproachful.

"Ida, I know it's sudden and I know it's impulsive but I'm happy here, with him. And there's nothing for me in Queens right now other than a job in retail."

"Except the only family you have is here."

"I know. And I'm still going to come back, just not right now."

"Mia, you barely know this man."

"I know. Ida, it's not like I'm moving in with him. This just- it feels right, with him. And I don't want to cut this short."

"So, what? You're going to get a job, an apartment there? You're going to transfer your dollars to pounds? I mean, Jesus Christ, Mia!"

I breathe in, garnering the little courage I have. "I'm twenty-six years old, Ida. I can decide where I want to live."

"You're staying for a man! A man, Mia! You have a bedroom here!"

"I will still send you money to help pay for it. I know you can't afford it all on your own... But I want this. Ida, this could change my life."

"You're playing with fire," Ida states, angrily. "You're giving him all the power."

"He asked me to stay and I said yes, and that's it. There were no power games, no tricks. He likes me, I like him, that's all."

"Look, I can understand moving when you love someone. But, you don't love this man. You just met him. What if he leaves you in a few days? You'll have a job and apartment in London."

"Then, I will have a job and apartment in London."

The line is quiet for a moment. "Mia, you and I have never been apart for long. I don't like this. I can't help you there. You will be completely on your own!"

"I will still call, Ida. It's not like this is goodbye. And of course, I'm going to come home soon. I'm just taking some more time here."

She exclaims loudly in anger and I pull the phone away from my ear, eyes wide. "I can't believe this. I promised your sister I'd take care of you! That I'd remain close to you through your life, protect you!"

"You have!"

"And now you're making me break that promise!"

"No, I'm not, Ida."

"You are, Mia. Nothing good can come from a relationship started from paperwork. From a relationship that forces you to give up your basic rights. You seem to gravitate towards men that require this from you!"

"What does that mean?"

"Why can't you just date a normal man?"

"I didn't go searching for this, Ida. It found me. He found me. He came to me and I've grown to deeply care for him, much more than I had expected."

"Just a couple days ago you were telling me this wasn't going to work out."

"I don't know if it will!" I shout, frustrated. "I don't! But don't you think I have the right to find something real? Something good? Ida, I've never felt this way before. Not for John, not for anybody."

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