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"Yes bitch! Release her! You're so ungrateful! And unbelievable! How could you do this to your own relative?!"

"are you crazy?" I asked her while pointing my finger on her chest

She have some quite big chest. Which she uses to earn money, which she once pushed me to do so.

To sell my fucking body.

"Do you know where she is right now? She's at the jail! Fucking jail! Because you accused her of child trafficking!"

Wait, what?


"Don't deny it you bitch! My two sisters are now ready for adoption because of what you did!"

"I don't even know a thing on what you're talking about!"

She gritted her teeth, she's really mad. I'm sure she is. I've seen her like this before, when I poured coffee on her favorite dress.

"Then follow me."

I grabbed my purse and phone. She tried to get a taxi but failed since it is strictly prohibited here in this village

I got the car keys and roared the car's engine.


"Please! Help me get out of here Faura"

I wiped my tears, how could he do this to my family?

"I will auntie, I'll pay the bail and we will figure out how to get the twins back"

I sighed and took out some cash. Jimin left this in case of emergency, and this is an emergency

When auntie was released, she hugged my real tight while saying 'sorry' over and over

She patted my shoulders and bit her bottom lip while crying

"I'm sorry for ruining your life. I-i was in debt when your parents died and I thought that I could use your money for a while and repay you. But envy, jealousy ate me"

"I loved your father but unluckily, she chose your mom. Then I thought I should atleast hurt you and make you feel what I felt when your father chose your mom"

"A-and when I sold you? I was about to stop them but they told me that they would give the twins a good life. I felt sorry but it was too late."

"W-when I heard that you're safe; I felt relieved. But when I heard that you're happy and living in a luxurious life. I got jealous, while the twins are eating nothing but biscuit, you were eating steak and that made me mad."

I hugged her, she has a reason. And that's pretty much enough, I guess.

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