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Kalya walked towards her car, all the while keeping an eye on her surroundings. She could see her security team as well as the people from the gang, both waiting for a chance to attack. Kalya's anxiety was building up as she neared her car. Her thoughts were wandering, with so many questions, what if they do not attack, what if they want something else from her. So many unanswered questions were bothering her. She heard a sound of metal behind her and turned around to see, the source of noise. She found Vital hitting a man from the gang and when she heard another similar noise she turned her head to her left, there she found similar thing happening, her security team were hovering over the people from the gang. She didn't know whether she should be pleased or awful. As the members of the gang are being beaten into a pulp.

Vital came to Kalya and told her that, "they were about to kidnap her by hitting her with chloroform filled balls, so that you would become unconscious and then they could carry her away." Kalya was in a shock to reply anything and so Vital told her that he would drop her home and their team would take the bastards for further investigation. She nodded and hopped into the car.

Kalya analyzed all the things that have happened, she was in a state of shock. She thought that she would have to fight from the gang to save herself from them, until Vital and his team would come to her rescue. But not even the tip of her hair was touched, yet the problem has been solved. Now that they have caught the gang they could reach the real culprit, the person that is behind all this shit. Kalya was so grateful to Vital and his team for protecting her as well as catching the goons.

In midst of her thoughts they reached home. Vital opened the door for her to get down and smiled at her, in a way of telling her that, now everything is sorted and you are free again. Kalya returned the smile and thanked him for his help. Vital told her that he will always be at service and just a call away, if she needed any help. Kalya smiled and went inside.

She was greeted by Cupcake, as soon as she entered the living room. She smiled at him and picked him up in her arms and stroked his head, to which he licked her face lovingly. Hearing Cupcake's barks Sanjay and Smita came running towards Kalya. She let go off Cupcake on seeing her parents and she ran to them and took them in a bear hug.

Sanjay broke the hug and said to Kalya, "now it's all over there no need for you to worry, I'll handle the remaining things. And from now on there will be no guards for you. You can handle things yourself."

Latter Kushal and Riyan reached Kalya's house along with Aditi and Prachi. Aditi and Prachi hugged Kalya at the instant they saw her. She hugged them back and comforted them saying that she was fine and alright. She showed them her forehead, her hands, turned around. All of them were looking at her in amusement, as if she has hit her head hard and has lost her senses. Kalya then turned towards them and said, "See I am not hurt anywhere." They all laughed at her antics and Riyan smacked her head saying, "We were all worried about you and here you are having fun with us." They all laughed and everything was back to normal.

Aditi raised the idea of having a party in the occasion of Kalya's freedom, and everybody agreed. So they decided to go to a restaurant and from there to have dessert. All of them reached "Norvert Inn" including Smita and Sanjay. They reached the restaurant and had dinner amongst all the fun and teasing. They all had a great time together after so long.

Then they went to have ice cream at, "The Glacier". The place was set up as a Snow glad mountain surrounded with small tables emerging smoke to look like vapor from the cold glacier and small cliff's here and there. They had fun while eating their favorite flavored ice creams and acted like children. While everyone was having fun Kalya received a call and so excused herself from the group and came out as the voice over the phone was not clearly heard due to the commotion inside. She stood beside their cars and was speaking to caller and then.

Kalya opened her eyes after much struggle and when she opened them she was again lost, but it was not due to the pain in her head or something else but it was her reflection that she was seeing. She has seen herself many times but has never felt so complete and peaceful just by looking at herself. She lost herself in the same old reflection of hers but, it was something different this time. She heard someone speak. All she could hear was faint sounds calling her. That voice was so comforting making Kalya forget everything.

Kalya got disturbed from her wonderful dream, when she could no longer hear that comforting voice but instead hear a long sigh, that's when realization hit her, making her gasp. She took heavy breaths to calm herself down. And then she could again she her reflection, her reflection in someone's eyes. Seeing herself in his eyes itself made her happy. She wanted to keep staring at those brown eyes and her reflection that she could find in them that care and concern that was held in those eyes made Kalya feel different emotions that she had never experienced.

With so much going on in her head, Kalya couldn't speak a word and even if she tried only faint sounds left her mouth. Then she heard him speak again. Now he was comforting her, he told her that she was alright but nothing got registered in her mind. She was just staring back into his eyes.

Feeling annoyed he shook Kalya's shoulders to bring her back to reality. His only touch was enough to ignite the fire within her. She then realized that he was speaking to her and she tried to concentrate on what he was saying by blinking her eyes continuously to move her thoughts from him to his words. When Kalya was back to the present and was attentive to him, he told her that she was KIDNAPPED. Kalya also knew something at the same moment. She could fight the whole world if this man was beside her. She never believed in love at first sight, but it happened to her.


Sorry for the late update guys, been busy with work.

Thank you for all the encouragement. 

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Say you won't let go....Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ