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Hi, My name is Jessica Thompson but I prefer Jess. I've looked after my little brother Henry and little sister Summer for a while now. That didn't stop when social services took us into care, if anything it only intensified my need to protect them from the truly horrible people that you will meet in care.

I've been looking after them since I was about 9 and Henry was 2. Summer was born that year and it was hard, Mum looked after her for the most part since she was the perfect angel baby but as soon as she could walk, talk and get into mischief she was tossed aside like me and Henry.

Now Summer is 5, Henry is 7 and I'm 14 and we're moving care homes since our old one just got shut down. 

I love drawring although I don't get to do it as much when I'm looking ater Henry and Summer because I need to be keeping them entertained and out of trouble. I also love reading but again I don't get to do it that often. 

A/N - Short little introduction. I Just wanted to introduce the charcters before starting the story next week. 

Disclaimer: Most of the storylines will be my own as well as the characters or Jess, Summer, Henry and their parents. All other charcters belong to the BBC.

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