"Eleanor! I need the bathroom!", Perrie shouted from outside the closed door.

El and I had been in here for about twenty minutes now. We agreed that if I had got to pick out my clothes and shoes, and it had her approval, she would get to do my hair and my make up.

I was in a pair of dark washed jean high-waisted shorts with a hot pink tube top that frilled at the bottom and a pair of black converse.

El had re-straightened my hair and was now just working on my make up. She'd already put on foundation along with a light shade of pink blush, and was working on my eyes.

I don't feel as bad this time, partially because I had picked out my clothes and it was more my style.

"Hang on!", El shouted back to Perrie for the tenth time. Lets just say it was taking a lot longer than planned, and the bathroom isn't that big. Also, El wanted to make sure that I looked drop dead gorgeous as she put it.

I heard Perrie groan before walking away once again. I chuckled and puckered my lips as she added lip gloss. I really hate this stuff, but whatever El does, I have to let her with out a word. Part of the deal.

"And....were done." I opened my eyes to see her shining face. Her hair was parted down the middle, her ombré weaving throughout her natural curls. She's so pretty and it makes me so jealous. She was wearing a black dress that was tight in the chest and flowed from the waist down. It had a a skinny, braided, brown belt around the waist, and she also had on black closed toe wedges. A lot more settled than last weeks outfit!

I smiled and stood off the toilet lid to look into the mirror. Wow, I wish I had the artistic ability that she has.

"Thanks, El." She smiled and we both walked out of the bathroom, being pushed a little by Perrie and Liz as the rushed to get finished before we left. We had about fifteen minutes until the party started, and it takes us about ten minutes to get there by foot.

"Be fast, girls!", El shouted and I smiled as they both shouted 'shut up'.

"So.", El started. Uh-oh. I know that type of 'so'. "Are you at least going to tell me who you were texting?", She winked at me and sat on the edge of the bed.

I walked over to the couch, tugging the top over my boobs a little. And there it is. I was honestly already expecting that she'd ask me once the girls were out of sight.

I mean, I could tell her, but then I don't know how she would take it. Would she get all googly over it, or would she give me a lecture on how I should be careful, because he, too, is in the frat house, which her and Gemma had already warned me about?

But, I shouldn't have to be warned about these damn boys. I get they're older and stuff, but even Harry is in the frat too, and he's Gemma's brother. Why is it okay for them to hang out with them all, and not me?

Sure they all act like they're in this bad gang and stuff, and sure they scare me, but not Luke.

I understand that they use girls and treat them like shit. I know to stay away from it all. I'm eighteen for crying out loud. I can make my own choices.

And honestly, Luke doesn't give me the creepy vibe like all the others. He's polite, and sweet. He's a gentleman, and knows how to treat a girl. I like that quality about him.

"Is it Niall? All honesty.", El pulled me out of my foggy state. I blinked and make a face before shaking my head vigorously. Ew, no. I would never blush this much from him. "Good.", she laughed which made me laugh. "Luke?"

I didn't say anything, but I let the silence answer for me. She raised her eyebrows as if questioning it, before smiling wide as it finally clicked inside her tiny little head.

"It is, isn't it?!", she smiled big, and I freely let the blood rush to my cheeks. I smiled and looked to my lap before doubling over.

"Yes.", I groaned. She laughed at me. I hate what he does to me. I'm falling head over heels way too fast for him, and the strange this is that I don't know him at all! I don't know his middle name, his favorite color, or drink. Hell, I don't even know if he drinks; although I'm assuming so since he's in the frat.

Just then, Perrie and Liz waltzed out of the bathroom, finally finished, laughing.

I sat up and El stood to grab her purse.

"Ready?" Liz asked, looking to El and I. I smiled and felt the butterflies flutter again at the fact that I was going to see Luke. That he wanted to see me. He wanted to see me. Out of all people, me! I let out an audible sigh and stood up, too.

"Lets go!", Perrie shouted and we all laughed while following behind her. I closed the door behind me, double checking that I had my phone and my purse.

Can't believe I'm saying this, but let the party begin.

Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now