"Of course you can," she says. I watch her – sipping her coffee, so focused on my little girl as she carefully peels off the wrapping paper like it's the most precious gift.

I know what it is. Reagan told me because she had to get it shipped here since it was too big to bring along. She said she'd found it in a custom shop, but I had no idea the sweet details she'd have added.

"Oh WOW!" She screams, lifting the latches on the black case. "A guitar!." It's just her size, but authentic - acoustic, with natural coloring and a black pick guard with a scripted "E" in pink.

"Is it okay? I know you said you wanted to learn how to play. And I'd love to teach you someday soon. As soon as I can," She says nervously. "If you'd still like that."

She nods and throws her arms around Reagan, nearly knocking her over. Reagan's arms come up to hold her and she whispers, "Merry Christmas, baby." in her hair.

"We can play together some day. When I'm older," She says before releasing her and I can't help but notice the look on Reagan's face. It's like my little girl has just asked her to stay forever, too. "Like a teenager," she clarifies. "Because I'm too nervous now. And I don't know how to play,"

Reagan lets out a breath. It's clear she's in a million pieces right now.

"This one says TO Reagan, LOOOVVVVE Luke," she stretches out the words and Reagan's cheeks go pink as she takes the box. "That means my Daddy loves you," she clarifies and my eyes meet Reagan's. She smiles.

It's small and she unwraps it slowly, looking up at me every few seconds like she's completely baffled I got her something. Please. It'd be a ring if I didn't think I'd scare her off.

"Luke," she says, pulling them out of the box. "They're gorgeous. Thank you,"

It's just a pair of earrings, but they're diamonds and I immediately thought of her when I saw them. Right now, it feels like such an ordinary gift. Completely unspectacular. I'm glad it's not the only one I have for her.

She reaches across to touch my hand and says it again. She must see the trouble on my face. "Thank you." I smile.

"Open mine!" Emmy speeds over to Reagan a tiny package that's slightly bent in on the corners. "I wrapped it myself," she tells her kneeling right in front of Reagan so she barely has room to open it. Her hands work at the red tissue paper until she's holding a silver necklace with a black metal guitar pick strung on it. "Daddy helped me make it. He bought the chain and drilled the hole," she smiles. "Flip it over. You're missing the best part!"

And when she does, I hear her gasp. Emmy's gift to Reagan soooo bumped my earrings to last place. And that's just fine with me.

Reagan's eyes lock on the black pick with "LOVE, EMMY" engraved on the back.

"I wrote it. Then the shop carved it in," she whispers. "So you can look at it and remember me," she says and Reagan completely cracks. She's trying to hold it in, but she's shaking her head and hugging Emmy like she's never going to see her again.

"What's the matter? Don't you like it, Reagan?" She asks pulling away to look at her eyes. She looks at me nervously and I smile, tipping my head at Reagan so Emmy sees her face.

"I love it. I love it," she manages. "I'm going to wear it every day," she tells her as Emmy blinks at her. She's sweet and naïve and I'd do anything in the world to keep her that way. I think we both would. "And I would keep you with me every day if I could, sweetheart," the tears run down her face and Emmy climbs on her lap.

She thinks for a minute, just staring up at the woman I love.

"I love you, Reagan," she tells her and my heart pounds. I know she does, but this is the first time she'd ever told her in front of me. "You don't have to cry. I still love you when you leave,"

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