Has Anyone Seen My Will To Live?

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I'm woken up by the slamming of doors and the shouts of two females. I can't make out what they're yelling about but it sounds pretty serious. "What the hell?" I mumble groggily, running my hands down my face. "Who the hell?" I ask again, rolling over in the bed I was laying in. "Lip?" I look over the edge of the bed, frowning when I didn't notice Lip lying on the floor. "Lip?" I call out again, eyes widening when I croak. 

"Wait. Wait. I think she's up," I hear Lip's voice and he slowly opens the door, peeking his head in. "Hey, hey, good morning," He steps into the room, leaving the door open only a little, "How are you feeling?" I furrow my brows at him and there's a sudden thumping in my temple. "I got you some Advil and a bottle of water," He points to the nightstand beside his bed. "You're absolutely going to need those." He lightly chuckles, and crosses his arms, leaning against the side of the door.

"Thank you," I pop the two pills and chase them down with a large sip of water. "Very much appreciated," I lay back down on the bed, "I had fun last night, thank you," Lip nods and places his foot between the door's opening, clasping his hands together. He suddenly looks very nervous, eyes darting between me and whatever was behind the door. "Lip," I laugh, and lean to the left, hoping to see what was behind the door. 

"Look I tried to stop them but it was four against one," Lip kicks the door open all the way revealing a birthday cake and Fiona, Debbie, Ian, and Carl's smiling faces. "I'm sorry," He laughs as my jaw drops and they all shuffle into his room, Carl pulling a lighter out from his back pocket to light the candle and took the cake from Fiona's hand moving toward the bed. 

"Oh shit," I laugh, covering my face with my hands. They begin to sing and it truly sounds like nails on a chalkboard as Carl tries to reach notes that don't exist and never will. As they finish the song I feel tears welling in my eyes, "Thank you." My voice cracks and I cringe, wiping my tears away. 

"We didn't mean to make you cry," Fiona cooed, joining me on the bed and wrapping her arms around me. "I'm sorry, I didn't think you'd be upset,"

"No, no, it's not that at all," I quickly shake my head, turning toward her with a teary smile, "It's just that I haven't had someone sing happy birthday to me since my mom passed away," I turn toward everyone else, thanking them all. "God, I come in and take a bed and eat all your food, I don't deserve you guys," Fiona shushes me, 

"You're family now," She laughs, "Although we've known you for a few days, after last night, there's absolutely no way you're not considered family." She laughs and stands up from the bed, "Come on everyone, Y/N/N will join us downstairs when she's ready," She winks at me from over her shoulder and I'm sure Lip told her about my nickname policy. Everyone but Lip files out the room after her and I run my fingers through my matted hair, wiping away another stray tear with my other hand. 

"So...mind telling me what the hell I did last night?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2018 ⏰

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