Chapter 13

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Jasmine's Pov
I woke up today for another rehearsal of Hamilton. Yay. I swear to god if we do Helpless, I will die. I don't want to even look at Anthony today. Well, maybe I do. No I don't!!

"Hey Jas," Jaden said interrupting my thoughts
"Hey, you need a ride to school? I'm feeling generous today," I ask
"Nah, I'm good, thanks," dang it, now I have no excuse for coming to rehearsal late.
"Bye, Jas," said Jaden leaving,
"bye," I responded while I got ready.

Anthony's Pov

I woke up this morning to Antilia shaking me
"Wake up!!! Wake up Ant!!!! Wake up!!!!" She said jumping up and down
"What is itttttttt," I said groggily, "and why are you up before me? "
"I know a way you can get Jasmine back!!!!" She said as I immediately frowned when hearing her name
"Yeah, about that," I replied, "that's basically impossible,"
"Well then I can perform the impossible because I'm gonna help you!!!" She grinned
"How?" I ask, "how can I get her back?"
"You can sing to her!!" She replied " You're obviously not very good at talking, but you're great at singing!!!"
"That may work, " I thought out loud, "But what would I sing?"
"See, that's what I don't know," she said, "I would have asked Jaden but I don't want to hear his ugly voice," she frowned
"If I could only tell her," I sighed
"That's it!!! If I could tell her from dear Evan Hansen!!! I can play that on my guitar so I'll help you!!!" She squealed, "I mean, we'll have to change the words a bit, but I could do that!!"
"Cool, " I smiled, "thanks Ant. Now go get ready for school."
"I'm already ready," she said, "bye Ant!!!" She says walking to school.

Antilia's pov

Well this walk to school was going to be awkward. When I got to Paisley's apartment, Jaden was already there and Paisley was, ready? She's never ready on time!!! Something fishy is going on.
"Hi" I say plastering a fake smile to Paisley. I couldn't even bear to look at Jaden.
"Hey," paisley said. Softly? And is she blushing?
"So, are we gonna go now?" Said Jaden
"Yeah," said Paisley blushing at him.

The whole walk to school was extremely awkward. Paisley and Jaden kept on giving each other glances then looking away, and guess who was in between them? Me.

Anthony's Pov

When Antilia left, I immediately got ready and headed out. I'm scared to see Jasmine, and I feel guilty. If it wasn't for me, we would still be best friends. I entered the theatre and tried so hard to not run into Jasmine as I got to the stage. I saw her waiting on the stage, tracing circles with her foot. I knew there was hurt in her eyes, and I hated it. How could I do that!? How could I ever take Jasmine for granted?? Alex Lacamoire came interrupting my thoughts.

"Hi guys! Thanks for coming on time. Well, except Lin," Alex said rolling his eyes.
"Well we need to work on some of the dances," said Andy.
Please not helpless, please not helpless, please not-
"Let's start with helpless. Without the singing," Andy continued.
"Come on get into position, from the wedding." Alex said as we all got into position, me holding Jasmine's waist, but neither of us making eye contact.

We finished the song once. 3 minutes of pure awkwardness. Luckily, Alex and Andy didn't notice.

"Ok! Let's do that-"
"I'm here!!!" Said Lin running in interrupting Alex.
"Ok then," Alex continued," Lets do obedient Servant because your here now."

I stayed in my dressing room waiting until I went to pick up Baby Ant.
"Oak, I'm picking up Ant from school, wanna come?"
"Well of course!!! Another African!!!! Letzzzzz gooooo!!!!!" Said Oak rushing to my car.

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