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"Kell, c'mon baby, we gotta get ready for our flight", my mother told me.

I sighed, looking at her.

"Mama, what about KayKay?!" I asked with a whine.

"Kayden?" She looked at me with an expression I couldn't quite understand. "Don't worry honey we'll stop by so you can say bye", she told me.

I began to tear up, "Mama, I'on wanna say bye."

She was about to speak but my father cut her off.

"Rakell Alize Anderson, we don't have time for this! Get your bags and let's go now!" He shouted at me.

"David! Kayden is her best friend of course she's gonna have a fit about leaving her", my mother said coming to my defense.

My father looked at her with an unexplainable look and she sighed looking over at me.

"I'm sorry Kell, this is a big opportunity for your father and we can't afford to miss our flight. You can call her once we land in New York." After that was said, she took my bags and suitcases from me and put them in the car.

I followed behind her with my head hanging low. I'm only 9, I'on want to make new friends, I want my Kay Kay! We had plans this weekend and now everything's ruined.

I sighed as I got in the back seat next to my little sister Macy who whined in her car seat.

I hung my head low as we drove to the airport, tears began to fall down my face.

I'm starting a whole new life, a life without my best friend.


Kaydens P.O.V -

"Fuck, Kayden!", my girlfriend Kally yelled in my ear. "You're not about to keep standing me up like this", she continued to scream through the phone.

"Kally, how many times do I have to tell you, when work calls I'm gonna go in, it's just that simple", I said back to her as I got in my car.

Truth be told.. I honestly didn't have to work today. Its just wanna my hoes called and she gives really good head so yanno im finna go kick it with her for a few. Then I'm out

"You know what Kay!?" She screamed

I smirked starting to speak "no Kally I don't know. Please tell me" I responded to her in a fake ass British accent.

"I'm not gonna continue to put up with this shit Kayden!, I'm fucking done" she yelled causing me to chuckle.

"Ight bitch, call me when you ready to come back home" and with that said I hung up on her.

Kally has always tried to pull the break up card on me. But every time she does it, a week later she calls me back apologizing saying how she misses me. If she knows I'm no good why does she continue to run back? Hell. I even know that I'm no good.

But you know what? That's not my fault and I'm not gonna front and try to say that I feel bad for her because truth be told. I could care less?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and smiled answering

"Hey mama" I said , "hey baby, how are you she said" I smiled my mama always calling and checking up on my grown ass

"I'm good ma, wassup?" I asked

"Well honey, this weekend were having a get together and were having some old friends come by" she said.

Old Friends? I thought to my self.

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