Chapter 1:1 Auguries

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Two glowing red eyes penetrated the darkness as the green monster truck emerged from the tunnel and approached the edge of the ramp. The roar of its engine echoed through the stadium sending tremors down my spine. While the enormous truck waited for the cue to jump over seventeen clunkers in the center of the arena, I stood in the middle of the concrete stairs and scanned the spectators around me. Endless rows of people packed together like eggs in an oval carton. Where was Emma? I had to find her.

The monster truck revved its engine. I watched it race up and off the ramp. Its gigantic wheels spun hypnotically through the air as it soared over the long line of crushed cars. With only one left to clear, its grille crash landed into the hood of the last car and exploded. Out of the flames, a tire flew toward the audience. I found Emma. The huge tire hurtled straight for her. Her terrified screams mingled with an annoying ringing.    

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