An Act

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*Alarm beeping*
Again lying in bed and today is more beautiful day as the breeze are very gentle and pleasant !
"Time to rise and shine", said to myself  while lying on bed.

Today is a day off as it is Sunday! So brushing my teeth and still cannot open my eyes fully, thinking about what was Eric actually sketching? "So what I'm gonna today",curiosity started in my mind nevertheless riding and exploring was my thing to...

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Today is a day off as it is Sunday! So brushing my teeth and still cannot open my eyes fully, thinking about what was Eric actually sketching? "So what I'm gonna today",curiosity started in my mind nevertheless riding and exploring was my thing to do being a girl.
So my favourite thing was doing in a morning during holiday was doing some exercises and drinking a fresh fruit juice. So all done now it was time for me to go for some sightseeing on my beautiful cruiser. Yes I'm a rider by passion who loves to travel and explore the road not taken!

 Yes I'm a rider by passion who loves to travel and explore the road not taken!

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So all geared up and as I cruising around farms and rivers which are nearby my house as it was bit near countryside type

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So all geared up and as I cruising around farms and rivers which are nearby my house as it was bit near countryside type. As i travelled i gazed upon horizon and can see beautiful river flowing silently as the some assassin on mission, the view is majestic as one can imagine beautiful farms and grounds on one side of land and in front river flowing peacefully this was my favourite part about riding so I decided to stop for a bit and enjoy the view . When i stopped and to my utter surprise i could see Eric again underneath the tree, doing his sketching thing.

"This boy is weird", I whispered in my mind. Anyways i again waved at him from distance and ohh boy ! He gave me a cold frown for few secs then continued his work. "What the hell did i do wrong!", asked myself again but one thing was for sure that something was not right with this guy. But again as i was standing at quite far distance and that too in my riding gear so it may be possible that he may not be able to recognise me ? so out of curiosity i decided to go near him and as soon as approached near him not sure if weather was same like it in matter of secs became cold and cloudy giving more eerie feeling all over my body but ignoring that I in all my strength in high voice tried to speak," What a surprise! Didn't expected you too be found at this place". As expected he took a quick look at me and resumed his sketching and after a brief awkward pause he i think said,"Well it was surprising for me too to find you in riding gear". Well this is legit question as guess there are few girls in our town who are riding bikes.
"Well now you know that girls love riding bikes too", in sarcastically manner answered but he seemed unaffected by that tone now my instincts were suggesting me to return as soon as possible but the wild nature of mine kept me there trying to hit with more puns which seemed stupid but it seemed that he was enjoying it! After sometime i asked him to show what he was sketching and i still cannot believe what i saw, A total art created like the beautiful landscape and above it majestic galaxy of stars! "Man! This boy is super talented", again whispered to myself as i looked through his sketch book.

So it was almost afternoon so i decided to leave but Again i had some sort of eerie feeling as i started moving towards my bike soon i can hear Eric hear saying like he was moving right behind me and the words he said still shocks me," Beware of the death leaping across your path!" At instant my body frozen and but somehow i gathered my strength to look back ASAP! And ohh my! Eric was gone like in the flash I don't know how but he vanished in thin air.

Ignoring it I started going back to my home now there is a stretch of road where a small patch of jungle is around so as usual my speed were in control but from nowhere a Deer leaped across road and suddenly i lost my balance and lost control over my bike, skidded and crashed into tree! The crash left my right hand fractured and some minor bruises over my legs but I was lucky enough to call my dad to pick me over. Soon my Dad arrived and took me home leaving my wrecked bike there as he already asked some mechanic to tow it and repair it quickly.

So now i couldn't use my right hand but it was not major issue as i was left-handed but suddenly i can remember those chilling words in mind and i knew that Eric was hiding something from me but i gave that thought a rest as if i think over it the...

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So now i couldn't use my right hand but it was not major issue as i was left-handed but suddenly i can remember those chilling words in mind and i knew that Eric was hiding something from me but i gave that thought a rest as if i think over it then the mistake was made by me as the bike was heavy and my rear brakes and tyres were already worn out so it was fault that i didn't got my bike serviced and so i rested for couple of hours. My dad was so angry at me at that time and i was exiled from using my bike again after but i tried to explain the situation i face but at last it was my fault again that i took under serviced bike on a ride so worth it! But i get this feeling over and over as i cannot stop thinking about him now and also super freaked out about what happened to me! Narrowly escaped death!
So i took my painkillers and slept for rest of the day.

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