Chapter 2

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"Mom, I'm home!" I called out, tired and hungry, "And of course, you're not," I mumbled. 

"Ughhh!" Maya uttered her "famous catchphrase." "Get used it Alex." 

I rolled my eyes as I threw my bag across the living room and proceeded to ransack the kitchen for something to eat. Wow, I sound like Adam right now. I picked up a rotten apple and threw it at Maya. 

"Oh look Maya! I found your doppelgänger! It's rotten and ugly, just like you!" I smirked, knowing that I'd started World War 3. 

"Ughhh! Oh no, you didn't!" she sassed, one hand on her hip and her index finger pointing accusingly at me. She picked up a jar of Nutella and snickered as she tossed it at me. I caught it before throwing her a questioning glance. 

"I just found your soulmate. It's sweet, addicting, and anything anyone could ever wish for. Opposites attract!" 

"Oh I'm sorry! Was I supposed to be offended? The only thing offending me is your face," I guffawed.

"You're such a beautiful, wonderful, amazing person..." she trailed off as I tried to flip my hair, "Oh sorry, I thought we were having a lying competition," she flashed an evil grin.

"When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change," I quoted Bruno Mars as she fake-swooned and clutched at her heart, "Except the direction I'm walking in," I finished, satisfied with the prominent scowl on her face.

"I'm sorry, I didn't get that. I don't speak idiot," she shrugged half-heartedly.

"I can get plastic surgery to fix my ugliness, but I'm sorry to say that stupidity has no cure," I smiled and winked cheekily. 

"Hey, your village called. They want you back by six," she tried to keep a straight face but instead condensed into fits of laughter. 

I couldn't help but laugh at that one, too, as I thought up another insult. 

"I would slap you, but I don't want to make your face look any better," I shot back maliciously.

"Well, I  would slap you, but that'd be animal abuse."

Damn, she was good at this. Like I'd tell her that, though. 

"I've already visualized ductape over your mouth," I retorted.

Maya rolled her eyes. "Really Al, that's  the best you've got?"

I froze. She called me 'Al'. When was the last time she called me that? Like...six years ago?!  I couldn't even remember the last time we'd interacted with each other, let alone have a full on insult war. Maybe the Maya I knew back then was resurfacing. Maybe I could have my sister back. 

"You guys do realize you're twins right? By insulting each others ugly faces, you aren't  doing yourselves any favors," a new voice called out from the doorway. 

In walked Skylar Avery, in a teal sundress, sunglasses propped up on her naturally blonde head, clad in designer white stilettos and a pearl white Prada bag hanging off her bent arm. With the three of us together in a room, I couldn't stop the flashbacks from returning, filling me with a sense of dread at the moments to come. 

Skylar gave me a once over before linking arms with her so-called BFF, the both of them plunging into a conversation about the latest fashion trends and strutting up to Maya's room. 

There was a time when I would have muttered the word 'girls' under my breath during these situations, but I knew I was ever so wrong after I had met one of my best friends, Rachel Ratcliffe. 

"Hey Rach, up for some tacos and lemonade at The Bay?" I questioned through my phone as my stomach growled in hunger. 

"Uhhhh, is thirty-two the number of panels on a soccer ball?"

"Umm," I shrugged and rolled my eyes at soccer-obsessed she was, even though she couldn't see me.

"Yes! Of course I'm coming! Meet you there in five," she yelled causing my ears to bleed. God, she was loud.                             


"....two plates of tacos, extra spicy, an extra large glass of pink lemonade, a chicken and bean burrito and two plates of churros, please," Rachel ordered before she added," Oh sorry Val, did you want anything?"

I stuck my tongue out at her as the waiter gave us an odd look. 

"I'll just have a strawberry smoothie," I smiled.

"So, what's up, Lover Boy ?" Rachel grinned.

"Lover Boy ?" I questioned, confused at her choice of nickname.

"Yeah, well, you called me, and only me, so there's gotta be some girl on your mind. So who's the lucky one?" she tested, raising her eyebrows and giving me a teasing wink. 

"Same old. Same old," I replied, letting out a loose breath as the waiter brought our food. I watched as Rachel stuffed her face with tacos and took a large gulp of her lemonade.

"So, what's it this time. Ignoring you? Stomping all over your heart with her pretty little heels? I'm telling you, that girl should really consider the sneaker life." Rachel said before jamming to Taylor Swift.

"She wears high heels, I wear sneakers...." She sang, completely off tune, off pitch and basically just off.

"Damn Rach, if you wanted me that bad, you should've just said so," I smirked, referencing to 'You Belong With Me' like how she had. 

"Well, well, well. Look who we found. The two lovebirds," Andy's sickly sweet voice sounded from behind me.

"Lovebirds ? What's with all the love today?" I questioned. 

"Then why weren't we invited?" Adam challenged, raising his eyebrows. 

"Because he wanted girl advice," Rachel said in a sing-song voice.

"Hey! I'm the expert in that field!" Russell claimed, taking a seat beside Rachel and casually throwing his arm over her shoulder. 

"So, girl advice, huh? Who's the chick this time?" Andy smirked, looking at me from across the booth. 

"What do you mean this time? Its always been the exact same one," Rach threw her arms in the air in exasperation as Adam gave her a questioning look. 

"Jealous now, are we?" Adam asked suspiciously, taking a sip from my smoothie. 

"God, no!" Rachel said, thoroughly repulsed while I clutched my heart, feigning hurt.

"I just think he should stop throwing himself at a girl who refuses to even acknowledge his presence. Her standards are even higher than her heels, and that says a lot," Rachel said, looking at the others for support.

"Speaking of love interests, check out that new waiter. Total hottie!" Russell gushed before he left the table to go make a move. 

"Hey Russ! Wait up, he's mine!" Rachel called, racing after him.

"Adam, what are you getting?" Andy's voice came out muffled as my thoughts came swirling despite my attempts to keep myself distracted. 

Was it possible for me to move on?


Hey guys!!! How do you like the story so far? Any ideas on who Val's mystery girl might be? Comment who you think might be our first ship-worthy couple ;) Hope you liked this chapter! Keep reading and do vote and comment. We really appreciate the love and support <3 :)



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