Week 1

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Nialls pov

-1 week later-

A week has passed. I finally got my cast off but Jazzmine still has a week left with hers. Diana Hasn't woken at all. We visits her everyday.

"Are you ready?" I ask Jazzmine quietly

"Yeah" Jazzmine hasn't said much. she's always quiet and silent.

We drive to the hospital.

"Did you bring the key?" I ask her

"Yes" she pulls it out . We ordered security locks and guards by Diana's room. Just incase..

We walk in and unlock the door

"Hey baby" Jazzmine whispers even though Diana can't hear or respond

Back at home we haven't touched anything in Diana's room. It stayed the same as the night we left. The night of the accident. I shudder at the feeling.

"You ok" Jazzmine says

"Yeah I'm just a little cold" she nods and looks back at Diana.

"Come on" Jazzmine tugs my arm and we walk out

"Want to go eat?" I ask her

"Yes" she smiles for the first time

"I'm starting to have hope you know, I have this feeling that Diana will wake up" she smiles

"She will" i assure her

We arrive to a small cafe shop.

"So I was thinking, maybe we should repaint the house, so when Diana wakes up, she'll be surprised" she says

"You're strong... and brave" I tell her

"Thanks" she blushes

"We should do something today" I suggest

"Like what?" she ask

"I don't know.. But something fun" I smile

She takes a sip of her coffee and bites her muffin.

"Lets go to the lads house for a film, yeah?" she nods in agreement

We get our things and leave the café. When we arrive everybody's car is parked in Zayns driveway

"Hey guys" Perrie says opening the door

"Jazzmine" she runs to her mad hugs her tightly

Jazzmines pov

It's been and hour and we've been watching a lot of movies. I may be smiling but deep down inside I am hurt. My heartaches... I want my baby back . I miss her laugh, her smile,and her eyes.

I cried almost every night. I called my mum and told her the news.. she wanted to come Down but I said its no use... she was never there for me. Nialls mum on the other ham blamed me for causing the accident. I wanted to slap her multiple times... Then Jennifer came with Niall's mum. I didn't pay much attention because I didn't want to deal with drama.

"Jazzmine" I jump and stare at Perrie.

"You ok?" she ask

"Yeah, just thinking" I try my best to smile but I Burst in tears.

"I'm sorry" I quickly get up and run outside.

"Jazzmine" Niall runs after me

"Shshs I'm here" he hugs me and strokes my hair

"What if she never wakes up?" I cry

"She will" i assure her

"How do you know"

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