What is Self Harm?

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Now, not all people who are depressed deal with self harm. You don't have to have depression to deal with self harm either. People with all types of mental illnesses self harm. There are many forms of self harm, but the most known by the general public, is cutting.

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you see the words "Self Harm"? Do you think of cutting? Biting? Hair pulling? Punching? Scratching?

Whatever type of form of self harm you think of, they are all the same. People all over the world struggle with self harm daily.

People self harm because they need a relief, something to make them feel again because they feel so numb, something to take their mind off of all the negative things that fill their mind, or even as a suicide attempt.

Self harm does NOT MEAN A SUICIDE ATTEMPT. They are two completely different things.

Self harm is hurting yourself, but you are still continuing on with life.

A suicide attempt, is taking action on trying to end your life.

Now that I gave you a tiny glance at self harm, let's get on with the advice and some stories about my struggles.

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