Unexpected (2)

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The darkness of the day started to scattered as the dark thick clouds begins to unleash the unexpected event as the thunder and lightning races across the sky, making loud thud sound and abruptly the lightning strikes, not even once but twice!

Oh poor Daniel begins to uncover the truth, that's been hidden for years by his own father.

Shocked. Daniel stood silently inside the gloomy room where Jasmin, the love of his life; but also his outside sister and his untrustworthy father tried to explain everything to him, but he can no longer trust anyone in his life. 

He cried, weep and even tried to unleash all his anger upon his family but could not believe what he was willing to understand for.

As Jasmin was about to calm him down. Leo started to gt his nerves on, guilty for his own crime he made. 

As soon as Daniel began to leave the house, stopped by his father but he could no longer believe him from what he done to his life and to Jasmin's. 

Daniel quickly went inside his car and drove off, recklessly. From so much pain, hurt and even heart broken can not heal from a boy who never got time for his own father. 

For so much pain, Daniel unexpectedly lost control of his car and crashed.

Leaving Leo more worried about this event.


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