The Secrets of the Desert (Chapter 18)

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“He started a bonfire to get our young Knight’s attention; he was gone a minute or so after Blanchefleur got there.” She didn’t exactly lie; he had been gone shortly after Blanchefleur had seen him, and he had lit enough fire to start a bonfire. She felt terrible for not telling the woman what Seelan had done but she would have felt even worse if she had told her.

Sofia on the other hand looked as though she could see right through the Goddess; she must have known that there was more to the story. The Dragon Knight would find out soon enough, once she rejoined the land of the living.

“Anyway,” she quickly went on, “I think I might have found a way to stop Seelen.” And she started telling the women of her idea and how it would evolve the two of them as well as Blanchefleur. It was a blessing she girl seemed reluctant to kill anything living and breathing.


I still felt groggy from sleep the next morning when I was sitting at the breakfast table. Robin, who was sitting on my left, looking only slightly more awake. This morning when after he had woke me up, he had stretched himself out, making his bones pop and then he had grimaced and mumbled something in elfish that I thought could only be a complaint of how sore he felt. Then again, he shouldn’t have fallen asleep on the couch when he bed was only a few steps further.

My head rested against the palm of one hand while the other stirred my tea lazily. I was so tired, why did we have to be up so early again? I just couldn’t seem to remember; it had to do with magic, right? I yawned and before I knew it, my head had collided with the table, making Robin look over with an amused expression on his face. Hadn’t he been tired he would have laughed. Or maybe not, Robin wasn’t one to laugh at people.

“I saw that,” a voice interrupted. Looking over, I saw the elfin Princesses walk in together. Haizea was smiling brightly.

I rolled my eyes and went back to my breakfast, thinking that it would just be easier to ignore her. And ignore the fact that Anila sat down next to Robin, starting a conversation in elfish. The fact that Robin didn’t reply in their musical language made me grin, which I hid behind my tea cup. Haizea sat down opposite from me and looked expectantly.

“What?” I finally asked after a few minutes.

“Teach me how to lie like you do,” she said, sounding a little bit star struck. “When you disappeared we slowly realized that you had been lying for a while. Even Robin hadn’t seen your lies and you two spend a lot of time together.”

I felt myself go red. Sure, knowing that they had figured out my lies was embarrassing, but being reminded of it wasn’t any less embarrassing, no matter how much time had passed. What was worse, Haizea sounded genuinely impressed.

“I don’t think that is such a good idea,” Anila stepped in and for once I was grateful that she was here. However it was short lived after she added, “We don’t need another liar here at the table.”

That was obviously meant for me and instead of dropping my head, or yelling at her like I wanted to do, I took a deep breath and slowly let it out through my nose. Then I snatched a piece of bread up and got up from my seat.

“I’m going to see if someone can tell me where Kevin is, or the King. And then I’ll see if Caden wants to come with us to meet this Mage,” I said, suddenly remembering why we had gotten up so early.

“Don’t bother looking for Kevin,” Haizea said. When I looked at her questioningly she added, “He escorted Rosalinde back to her farm; he hasn’t made it back yet.”

The Dragon Knight; The Secrets of the DesertDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora