No! I can't fall asleep here! I have to wake up! But I can feel it creeping in even as I crawl forward, the weight of sleep. The fatigue setting in to my making crawling almost painful. I strain against it but I think I'm screwed.

My hand slips and I feel the cold smooth ground underneath me.

I dream of nothing but the surrounding darkness. Floating peacefully in nothingness. Numb to everything.

But I can feel something cool on my forehead and cheek. And is there someone...calling me?


Why does she sound so familiar? ...Astra?

"Conrad! Wake up!"

My eyes snap open. I know that voice. I sit up and find myself in a crude dungeon made of dark orange stone. Or maybe it looks orange because of the torches lining the hall outside.  Sitting by my side is Laura. Hair disheveled, make up smeared, and her lovely clothing stained with what looked like dirt.


I embrace her and then hold her at arm's length. "You're freezing. Why are you here? How long have you been here? Did they hurt you? Did they touch you?"

She shook her head. "No...they didn't touch me. They didn't do anything. They just...THREW me in here and I haven't seen anyone since. "

I struggle to try and stand up. My body aches like I had a run a couple of miles. Laura drapes my arm around her shoulder and helps me to stand. I notice she is barefoot.

"They took your shoes?"

She nods and I see her eyes tearing up.

"Hey! It's okay, Laura. You're alright now. Everything's going to be ok. We are getting out of here!"

A weak smile appears on her face. A smile meant more to comfort me than her believing my words.

"I mean it, Laura. We're getting out."

First we have to find her a coat and some shoes. Maybe we can rob a guard. I look over at the rusted iron bars blocking our way out.

"Have you seen any guards? Or heard anyone?"


Damn them! How dare they leave Laura in this cell to rot!

I charge and kick the iron door with the full force of my fury. To my surprise and Laura's it creaks and groans before collapsing. 

I examine where the door collapse and see severe cases of advanced rust.

"The door was rusted where the joints are. That's why it gave way."

Laura signals her understanding and reaches for my hand. "Let's get out of here, Con."

I pull her forward and ran down the torch lit hallway. Not really sure which way I was going or if this was even the way out. But it feels better than standing still.

As we approach a corner, I flatten myself against the wall and gesture for Laura to do the same. She complies without a word. I peek around the edge and looked for guards or any threat really. But it's completely deserted. Still, I remain there and listen with my eyes closed. Listen for footsteps, for paws, for the hum of magic...anything.

There is only stillness.

"Con...I think we can go."


I turn left with Laura close behind me. We ran together silently. She is a real trooper. Even though she has no shoes, she isn't complaining about it. I'm half hoping we will find something she can use.

We reach a sturdy wooden door with an intricate iron door handle. I grab it and pull downward hoping it is unlocked. The door gave way easily. I push it open and ran forward excitedly with Laura. I feel my feelings of happiness evaporate as I take in the room we just entered.

I look at Laura and find her already staring at me. Her eyes full of alarm as she reaches for my hand. If possible, her hand has become colder.

We stare out together as the cavernous labyrinth of stairways, doors, and hallways slowly became lit with burning torches. The small orbs of fire spread to the roof and the walls. Mesmerized by the display, I pull Laura close. To comfort her? Or maybe myself?

"Of course! Because why would it be fucking easy...."


Until the next chapter! Thank you so much for everyone who has kept reading up to this point. I really appreciate your dedication! : D It makes my heart super happy!! Sorry this chapter got posted so late. Last chapter was from March. Yikes! 0-0

But please before your hurl stones, I had really good reasons! There was a lot on my plate. It was my birthday and then I had to pack and then I actually had to move. I complain but my sister did most of the hard work (she found the place). I will be writing more. This story has NOT been abandoned. So to everyone who has patiently waited and is still reading.

THANK YOU! To the people who have privately messaged me asking where the new chapter was...I'm so sorry for the wait and thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. You have no idea how much it means to me to have people interested in seeing how this continues. I will try to post up a new chapter soon and not have such a large gap.

As always, if you like this chapter don't be afraid to hit that star button (cute wink) and leave a comment if you like. Or you can message me too.

I hope everyone has a fantastic and magical weekend full of rainbows, beaches, sunshine with some clouds in the sky (because believe me, you need clouds)!

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