Chapt. 2

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I glare at the clock. God, how much more time do I have to be stuck in this fucking room for? I slouch in my seat, not even bothering to write any of the notes the teacher is saying. I'm now a student in the University of New York City. Last year, I graduated from High School in a performing arts school here in New York. Now, I'm here stuck in this room full of one hundred kids- not so kids. Some of the people here are thirty year olds. The loud bell rings and everyone grabs their things immediately and leaves. My seat are on the top rows, very high up, well not really high but I still have to climb down the steps to get down. I lazily grab all my shit and put it in my backpack, and over my shoulder. I stomp down the steps and outside. I think it's complete bullshit that I still have to take Maths and English courses in Uni. Why the fuck do I need more of this shit? I don't need this in my life. Fourth grade to twelfth grade, I had to deal with every boring subject in the nation. And now I still have to put up with it. I walk around the massive campus. I would live inside the campus but they don't have any dorm rooms so I had to settle to a flat building near the Uni. They should have dorm rooms here, it's too much for me to walk to my classes and then the flat. It's so tiring. I sigh and keep walking. Next is English and then it's Drama or theatre arts, or performing arts, whatever they call it here in this country. I sigh again. Visiting the states used to be fun and I used to have a blast but living here? I don't belong here. I never belonged here. I'm lost. I know where I am, I'm in New York, I'm in campus, but where am I? I've completely lost myself. I finally reach my class and get inside. God, they're so loud. Well duh, there's about ninety people in here. This is the second, smallest class I have. The smallest is Drama. It's like nobody enjoys good ol' Drama anymore. In here, there are no assigned seats. If you sat in the seat in the back, today you might sit in the front. I climb up the steps and plop down to one seat in the middle of the room. I take out my iPhone and check my Instagram. I erased my other account and made a new one, where nobody I know from back home, are following me.

"Welcome students, it's a great day, isn't it?" No. No, it's not Spongebob Squarepants. I hate this teacher, always so happy all the time. Just stick to being a teacher who no one can stand because they're rude and strict.

I sigh and go to the area where students are eating. I don't even know what they call it, cafeteria? Food court? Lets call it the food court. Many are eating in the food court, others are in the field, laying on the grass and laughing with their friends. I glare at them. I'm all alone. I have nobody in this damn country. I would have friends but they only want to befriend me because I'm from England and I have an accent. Everyone wants to have a British friend, apperantly. I walk towards the field and sit underneath a tree. I pull out some hot chocolate and sweets- I mean candies. I need to start learning the American slang if I want to fit in. I sip on the warm substance. It's warm outside but I love the taste of hot chocolate. Mum sends me British treats every week, I'm so glad she does. I miss home so much and the sweets she sends are delicious and remind me of home. I chew on a Maoam. I love these. I pull out my phone and start surfing the web. I remember I drank hot chocolate and ate sweets one time when Nathan was eating his sandwich and tea. I remember I thought it was beer and he laughed. God, I miss his laugh. I miss him so much. His kisses. The way his skin felt against mine. The sparkle in eyes when he stared at me while we lay in bed, tangled up in nothing but sheets and love. My throat clogs up and I blink fast to get rid of the tears in my eyes. A shadow casts in front of me. I frown and look up. Did the clouds decide to show up now? Why? It's so sunny and pretty. Oh I know he isn't a cloud. Who is he?

"May I help you?" Oh no. Flashback to the moment I met Nathan! I remember when he stood in front of me when I was on my phone. I'm on my phone now! When I looked up and gave him the same attitude and question I'm giving this guy. I glance up and down at him. He's wearing dark jeans and an American flag shirt, coloured grey. Why the fuck are you going to wear a grey shirt am a dull American flag? He also wears a black leather jacket, and some designer shoes. He has dark glasses propped on his nose. His hair is in a quiff. He has dark blond hair. I must say, I like his style other than the shirt.

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