Meeting? What meeting?!

"Luna.. It has been a well known fact and issue that you have an ongoing grievance with Mark. Now I have spoken to you many times about this.. Is there anything you want to tell us?" Alec asked.

His eyes narrowed slightly almost as if he was daring me to say something.

"I- Am I in trouble?" I asked.

His face softened instantly "No. We just want you safe.. Maybe I should start from the beginning. This is Judy, she's the real HR manager. These two gentlemen are plain clothes officers. And Andy? Well if you need support."

I looked at Andy who gave me a sympathetic look. "It's time.." He whispered patting my arm.

I shook my head at them "But I don't know where to start?"

"Take us through the incident in here. The most recent." Alec guided.

So I did, I explained what happened to the point where Alec arrived. "And the bruises.." He nodded.

I had bruises on my stomach when we first met..

"He attacked me in the cloak room.. I spoke to you.." I said looking at Andy. "But he thought it was about him. He sucker punched me before kicking me in the stomach."

"Jesus." He whispered.

"Reports of bruising.." Alec commented looking at a piece of paper.

"Him. He gets angry and when he does... I'm usually the one to receive the brunt end of it."

"Andy has the footage of incidents that have happened over the past few weeks. They are on the DVDs in front of you. Now I'm gonna ask you one question Luna.." Alec spoke making me nod.

"Do you want to press charges?"

It was a question with a simple answer but a part of me couldn't answer. Why? Because I guessed that deep down I would always blame myself, that maybe I was to blame for half of the attacks. Maybe it was me in general?

I wanted him to pay for what he did.. But jail? I-


"What?!" Alec snapped looking at me.

"I- He wouldn't last 5 minutes inside a prison."


"Alec." Judy spoke making me look at her.

"I don't know what I want to do. I- I don't know. I'm sorry, I can't do this yet, this is all too much!" I panicked.

She gave me a small smile and moved towards me on her wheeled chair. "Luna. He has committed an offence that we can press charges for. Assault is a serious crime. I know this is all daunting and you're probably scared. But what if he is doing this to someone else? Wouldn't you say that they needed to speak up?"


A fist hit the table making me jump "Dammit Luna! Open your eyes!" Alec snapped.

"Okay! Okay... I want him to face some justice but I don't want to go to court. I don't want that."


"No! No, I don't want that and if you can't accept that then I'll just have to leave. I'm not going to court and being accused of beings a liar, I won't do it!"

"Fine." Alec growled looking at Andy.

"Plan B then."


I stepped out the staff room, avoiding any eye contact with Alec as I knew he was still mad with me. When Mark came from nowhere.

"What have you said?! You lying bitch!" He shouted aa the plain clothes officers escorted him along.


Alec cut me off by yanking me out the way and pushing me behind his frame. "You're being dismissed with immediate effect from your position."

"Lets step back in here.." Judy advised taking me back into the staff room as it all kicked off in the hallway.

I looked at her alarmed at the yelling and the banging until Alec stepped back in fixing his suit.

"Well he'll have to handle prison with assault to an officer." He said coming over.

Judy stepped in front of me catching my attention, "You can change your mind on this, no matter what he was being removed from his job."

"I- I can't really think clearly at the moment." I replied sitting against the desk.

She nodded understandingly before pulling out a card and handing it to me. "Think about it."

When Judy left, I looked over to Alec who was watching me carefully.

"I should slap you so hard."

He blinked "What did I do?"

"Company director! Why did you lie?"

He sighed "Because... Because I panicked okay, you made me nervous and I kinda panicked. I was only here for a HR matter whilst Judy was away. Then I got too involved. Besides if I told you I was the company director, you would have shut me down and out instantly."

"Uh yeah! It's like an unwritten rule in every store." I answered.

"I know. But I wanted to help you, I still want to help you... If you'll let me."

I grumbled before picking up my bag and heading towards the door. "Luna? Where are you going?"

"You're buying me lunch, after the director stunt. Come on." I replied making him get us with a grin.

I planned to consume my own weight in chocolate and ice cream when I get the opportunity.

Bridget Jones will have to wait.

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