Edward f*cking Cullen!

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My eyes were fixed to the cameras small LCD screen as we made our way back to the hotel rooms.

I was in awe with the domes and I was jealous that they got to stay there over night. From the rustic decaying building on the outside, proved nothing when you got inside to find the very top of the dome was breaking. The waiver we signed was for the insurance that if a piece fell on us? It wasn't their fault.

"Are you okay?" Aaron asked quietly.

I had ignored him since our spat.


Turning by the bed, I flopped back still looking at all the photos. All instantly approved by Zak, it was as if this job was for me.

I did have a slight worry that he was only approving the photos because I was a bit upset from Aaron's attitude but Maria assured me when it came to Zak and work, he didn't care if he upset an old lady. He was there to make the show and he was a workaholic.


"What Aaron? You keep saying my name? What could you possibility want?"

"Don't be mad. I'm looking out for you."

I sighed trying to distract myself with a photo showing the graffiti on the inside of the domes from rebellious teenagers that spent their nights there drinking and most likely taking drugs.

"I know you don't believe me.." He muttered sitting on the chair opposite.

"You think correct. And you know why?" I asked sitting up.

He shook his head.

"Because you're all about shouting, getting angry and throwing tantrums. You won't say why you left my house, you won't say why I can't take this job and you won't tell me why you're treating me like I'm someone who's kicked your cat?! What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

"You! You're what's wrong with me! I'm doing this to prote-"

"Oh I'm not listening to anymore of this! Speak to me when you stop speaking in fucking riddles!" I stood up putting my camera on the bed.

"W-where are you going?"

"To take a shower!" I snapped storming off into the bathroom and slamming the door behind me.

I pulled off my clothes and stepping under the hot water letting it take away the stress and tension in my body.

I washed and shaved before turning my attention to my hair, I washed it and stood in the shower with conditioner in my hair whilst I thought about returning back to work, or leaving my job to work full time with the crew. There was no denying I'd love this job, the pay was better and it was doing what I loved. But one man was tainting my whole work experience with his sour moods.

I washed out the conditioner and got out feeling refreshed especially after all that dirt from the domes and ground.

Wrapping a towel around me, I twisted my hair up with a hand towel when I realised my mistake..

No fresh clothes.

"You idiot." I hissed picking up my dirty clothes and debating putting them back on just to grab fresh.

Screw it. He's obviously seen a woman's body. All you have to do is grab clothes not strip off.

Wanting to leave the hotel room. I had no option but to go and get clothes.

I opened the door slowly and found him laying on the bed on his phone. Keeping my eyes fixed on my bag, I hurried across the room and zipped it closed so that I could pull it into the bathroom. But as I turned with a strap in my hand, I bumped into Aaron.

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