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Crunch, shatter

The sickening sounds of condensing car matter,

The pain in my stomach, the ringing in my head

How could this happen? The light was red

It’s hard to breathe, someone’s sitting on my lungs

My body feels funny, like a shattered coffee mug

My bits and pieces feel jagged and numb

In my ears my heart frantically thrums

Everything far away is blurry

Red and blue lights flash in a fuzzy flurry

My mouth tastes like a jungle gym bar

Red dots decorate the inside of my car

Men in yellow break open my door

I try to say "help" but blood dribbles on the floor

They try to pull me out, but all I do is scream

My body hurts like it’s been unraveled by the seam

I’m sleepy but they tell me to stay awake

Oh, God, do they know how much energy that takes?

Two men put me into an ambulance

I can’t help but cry, the pain is more than I can stand

Everything is fading to black, and everyone is calling

My body feels weightless, kinda like falling

Someone’s tapping me, pleading me to keep my eyes open

What are they afraid of? It’s my way of coping

We’re at the hospital, they rush me in

They poke and prod at me and my limbs

The police are here, am I under arrest?

They’re talking about a blood-alcohol test

I can’t seem to understand, what do they mean?

I’ve never had alcohol, I’m only seventeen

I try to say I’ve never drank, but all I can do is cough up blood

It’s comes from my mouth in a red, angry flood.

They turn me on my side, and hit my back

I cough harder than before, then it all goes to black

I’m in my mind, but I’m floating

Nothing but white, everything moves slowly

Everything’s peaceful, everything’s perfect

Nothing to worry about, nothing to suspect

But there’s something nagging at the back of my head

A tiny, muffled voice screaming "wake up or you’ll be dead"

Can’t I stay for a few more minutes?

Everything’s peaceful, isn’t it?

But the voice gets louder and louder

Wailing in my ears, making my ears pound’

But it’s not just a voice anymore…


She screams my name, she’s been crying

She asks me to please not be dying

Then everything goes quiet

Like the intense silence before a golden glove fight

I try to open my eyes

But everything is too bright

There’s people standing over me with funny masks

Out of nowhere a pair of hands puts a mask on me with funny smelling gas

Everything goes black again

Everything’s paralyzed but my brain

My body feels numb, I can’t feel a thing

Damn, why do they keep doing that?

All the while I hear monotone beeping, I use to keep track

Then I hear wailing and people shouting

But it’s so far away, kinda like its echoing…

Then I sit up, hoping it’s all a dream

Something tells me nothing’s as it seems.

My mom and dad are standing in the corner crying

I get up and to tell them I’m not dying

In fact, I feel better

I ask them not to fret,

But I’m ignored, but why?

They still won’t look at me, no matter what I try

Have I done something wrong, was I bad?

What could’ve I done to make my mom so sad?

Please forgive me, I’m ready to cry

I haven’t stole, I haven’t lied

My dad says something that I can’t hear

I can’t understand, my heart beats in fear

Suddenly in rushes the nurse, her face is red

She rushes in and works around my bed

I walk on over and try to talk to her

She won’t listen, so I begin to curse

She’s trying not to cry as she pushes some buttons

A few more people come in

Their faces are sullen, I can’t understand

Why everyone is so sad

They all turn around, one even steps on my feet

One of them turn back, and pulls up the sheet

Wait, what?

Why did he do that?

I walk on over, and I can’t believe it

As I pull down the sheet, I see myself

No, this can’t be true!

I start to cry

I crumple on the ground

Not able to make a sound

Suddenly the door turns white

Something pulls me, something that I don’t want to fight…

Later the next day, a newspaper read:

Local teen dies in car crash, hit by drunk driver at 8:45 PM. The driver has survived with a minor concussion and several broken bones. The teen arrived at Metrocity Hospital around 9:00 PM, but did not survive due to severe concussion, broken bones, and severe loss of blood, and died around 3:30 AM after being operated on.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2014 ⏰

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