Magnus Bane X Reader X Jace Wayland

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The reader is Magnus's daughter and the reader didn't know. The reader has always felt like something was a huge part of her life missing. The reader is also dating Jace. The reader is part ShadowHunter and part Warlock. (Yes I know that doesn't happen in the show but hey this is a fan made story so anything can happen, but any who moving on the to story)


I'm in the training room, practicing with my new ShadowHunter daggers, there hasn't been many ShadowHunters in the past that have used daggers as a weapon, and so I feel special using them. Mid doing a spin attack, I saw Jace walk into the training room, he look like he was in a bad mood. I placed my daggers in their holsters on my thigh, I walked over to him and said" Jace are you alright" Jace said" I'm fine don't worry about me" I said" Jace Wayland I do worry about you and I know something is wrong so tell me" Jace said" I can't hide anything from you can I?" I said" nope so spill it what's wrong" Jace sighed and said" I'm just sick of how everyone is treating you Y/n it makes me mad" I said" I know Jace but what can you do, I'm part Warlock as well as being a ShadowHunter that's not common, hell it's unheard of, so course everyone is going to treat me differently" Jace said" I know that but still you have been a ShadowHunter for a few years, you been at this Institute for a solid six years and now that everyone know you a little different everyone is treating you like they would a downworlder" I place my hand on Jace's shoulder and said" I know you, how I'm being treated doesn't worry me, it's how the people I love and care about treat me that I worry about" Jace smiled and said" you know I don't care Y/n I love you no matter what happens" I said" I know Jace I love you too" Jace pulled me to a hug, as he warps his arms around my waist I warp my arms around his neck. Our embrace lasted for a couple of minutes, till Jace pulled away first and said" oh I forgot Magnus invited us to his place for drinks, and he told me to bring you along even if you said no" I laughed a little and said" well I guess we better get going if Magnus wants us to at his place" Jace smile and nodded. We walk out the training hand in hand, walking towards the entrance of the Institute, I could feel everyone eyes on Jace and I, but I didn't really care. As we were walking I notice that all the girls in the Institute were glaring at me,I sighed but kept walking. As Jace and I were about to walk out the Institute, Hodge came running over to us and he said" hey Y/n I heard how everyone is treating you and I think you shouldn't be being treating like that and I also want to say I'm here for you as well" I said" Thank Hodge I appreciate that now if you will excuse us we have somewhere to be"I grab Jace's hand and continue walking to the doors of the Institute. 

Time Skip Arriving at Magnus's place 

Jace's POV

As we arrived at Magnus's place, we heard crash and screams coming from Magnus apartment as we got closer 

Here is what I have so far for this one-shot let me know if there is anything  I should  add or take out
Love you guys  MissLunaWolf2017

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