New guests arrive

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'ROSIE, ROSIE!!' I hear someone yelling.
'What is it!?' I say. I was sleeping so deep and I hate when people wake me up in the morning!
'They're here!' Says the voice, that I now know is my mom.
Who are here?.... I just wanna slee...

I jump out of bed and put on my favourite green dress. It has golden flowers all over the bottom.

I quickly run downstairs while putting my brown curls in a high pony tail.

'ROSIE ARE YOU COMING?!' My dad yells. I run as quickly as I can to the front gate.

I see mom and dad standing there. In front of them are standing King Howar and Theodore.

'This is our daughter Rosalie.' Says my mom.
'Aaaah, so you are Rosalie, nice to meet you, I'm the mighty King Howar.' He grabs my hand and gives it a wet, sticky kiss.
'It's so nice to meet you King Howar.' I say.
'And this is my Son, Theodore Michael Lukas Howar.'
Theodore rolls his eyes. It's kinda funny. He's also kinda cute...
'Nice to meet you Rosalie.' He says with a deep voice. While giving me a friendly smile.
King Howar gives Theodore an angry look.
'Son show some manners.' King Howar says.
Theodore grabs my hand and gives it a soft kiss. His hand is really soft. He smiles, I smile back.

'Goodmorning Rosie.' Says Valerie while walking by.
Valerie is my personal butler. She makes sure that I know which things are planned in the future. Like events, trips to other kingdoms, parties,... She also lays down my outfits for these events. She just helps me with everything I want.
'Hi Val!' I say.
'You'll show us to our rooms?' Says King Howar really degrading to Val.
'Uhm, yes your highness.' She says while bowing.
I think it's a bit odd. Our butlers never bow to us. Noone ever does that.

I go to breakfast while I see King Howar en Theodore walk upstairs.

After breakfast I usually always go into the kitchen to see if there are any leftovers. I mostly and up eating all the waffles that are left over.
I come into the kitchen and nobody is there. I'm relieved and happy cause I see a whole pile of waffles that are left over.
I start eating one. Mmmmmmm... So soft and still a bit warm.....
'Busted!' I hear someone say.
I turn around really quick and drop my waffle on the floor by accident.
Theodore is standing in the door with a smile on his face.
'Haha, now you can't eat that anymore.' He says.
'That doesn't matter, there are still alot left.' I respond.
He smiles. 'Does anyone know that you're here? Eating all the waffles?'
'I don't know, but they don't care. They throw it away anyway, so it doesn't matter.' I say.
'Mhm.' He hums.

After an awkward silence. I say 'You want one Theodore Michael Lukas Howar?' I say while trying not to laugh.
'HA HA, very funny.' He says.
I hear him coming closer.
'Why not.' He says now standing next to me. 'You can call me Theo by the way.'
'Ok Theo, you can call me Rosie.'
'Bon Apetit, Rosie.' He says while winking.
We both grab a waffle.
'Wow these are.....' He turns his head to me and looks at me with his big brown eyes. It's the first time I notice those beautiful brown eyes.... 'Amazing!' He says.
I laugh. 'Yeah, I know, you get why I come here every morning now?'
'Yeah! You're so clever!' He says with a smile on his face.

We stare into each others eyes while smiling. For the first time I feel something I've never felt before... It's like a really excited, almost magical feeling...

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