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• main characters• ☝( more characters along...psst..trailer!.. And Cindy is play Lilian)

Gabi's POV.
I was currently online looking for a condo since I am 19 and I've dreamed of moving to my own place. I found one in California. I decided it fit me so well that I could buy it. It fit my price range and it actually was near these rich mansion houses. Hopefully, there are some sick party's. I decided to to call my agent and told her that I was interested in the condo and needed to get it now. Niki also wants to come live with me since we stick together. I'm not keeping a lot of my stuff here, instead im donating it ,so I could start fresh.

  Being a twin is great but not great because you have someone by your side at all times. But I hate how we think the same things. Lily, my dog was sitting on my lap while I  was     trying to get more info on the apartment. Niki is currently with her best friends.

    I texted my best friend Lilian who lives in the same condo complex. So she is on the other side of us, if we could get the house.

Gabi💘- so there are some rich manisions down there I heard? tell me more about it.

Lili🛍- Yeah, their price ranges are from 10-15 million so rich people and family's live there. But I heard a group of guys own the richest house there. And they throw sick parties! Because I've been to one but only once.

Gabi💘- well if I get the condo maybe Niki and i can go with you just once?

Lili🛍- I'm telling you they are players but whatever... Considering you are going through a hard time so ok.

Gabi💘- k ttyl 💋

I got off my phone and went down the stairs of my parent's house. I went down, and like always, their arguing. "Elda, I told you it was a mistake, I didnt mean to" my dad yelled. "Mistake, mistake!! Aha...que fui un mistake!" my Mom speaking in spanish when she is angry, laughed. I took the last step, making the stairs creek. Both my parents looked at me. I saw something in my dad's hands. "What's that?" I asked with concern in my voice. "Gabriella, es nada.." My mom snapped. "tu madre wants to divorce me" my mouth dropped. Since I was a little girl, my friends parent's would get divorced and they would always say how lucky I am to have two parents who love each other. But now I think I am feeling how they felt. Angry, sad, and bursting into tears. But not only that but feeling like blaming yourself.

I've had a hell of year so far. From almost getting arrested, messy breakup, and friend betrayals. And now this.....

"Uh-huh?! Why!?" I asked but I knew I sounded kinda stupid because their always arguing. "Its a very unhealthy and toxic relationship, I've been seeing someone Else, Gabriella" My mom said. My jaw even dropped even more down if it could. So my mom has been seeing some man these days?! "What the hell Elda!" I said yelling her first name out. "I'm so glad me and Niki are leaving for good!" Both my parents looked like they were going to cry but I didnt care at that moment. I ran upstairs and called Niki. Knowing that my life is bad here I needed to do it this now...

Gabi- Niki!

Niki- Yeah Gabs what's up?

Gabi- Come home now! We got to pack now! I'll get us hotel now!

Niki- Gabi what happened!!

Gabi- Niki just come home and on our way there I'll explain.

Niki- Okay be there in 10


I called a movers company.

"Hello this is Anderson's Move On The Go Movers, how may we help you?"

"Hi, my name is Gabriella DeMartino and I need a movers truck".

"And where is the address mam?"

I told her my address.

"Where is this movers truck going?"

"Beverly Hills, California"

•Thinking About You• Gabriella DeMartino and Jack GilinskyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon