Chapter 1 The Beginning & The First ONE

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THE ONES - RAPTURE Series Book 4 By: LadyDawn

2014 Copyright © All Right Reserved

Chapter 1 The Beginning & The First ONE

The fist trip to the green planet was simply to stopoff to place a terraforming device atop the highest spot we could find near a body of water. See our terraforming machine we brought with us needed water of any kind or anything with H2O in it to start off the process.

So when we noticed the natural large bodies of water already formed here on this planer we were part way there to our mission to terraform this planet into one that we could eventually live on before our own planet died off completely in a fire ball when it collided with our moon. We had only 100,000 of your suns to get the job done which was more than enough time for us.

By the 97,899th sun we were seeding the planet with life forms from our planet and nurturing them to grow and form into different types of wild animals that would support our life. By the 99,999th year we sent out our first ten ships 9 made it safely to the planet surface. Mine was one of them along with one other of the ONES. There being four of us total that were elected by battle in the end, but I am getting ahead of myself.

We landed and removed the terraforming device back to one of the ships and sent the ships back to our planet for more of our people. The next landing brought over one thousand ships with it all making the landing here in what you now call the Sahara Desert. Back when we landed it wasn't any kind of a desert at all, it had lush green plants of all kinds growing everywhere with all types of animals wandering around. It was really something to see. that was before the meteor and the ice age hit changing everything for the area–again getting ahead of myself.

We sent the last of our ships back to gather the remainder of our people, but they never returned, it seemed that we were a bit late on our mission. We lost over 400,000 of our people and what we though–or hoped for was the vile creatures you now know as werewolves. Though we did our best to keep them from your world–that has always been out mission in life. We did everything in our powers to leave them behind, but we are assuming they overpowered a couple of our last ships, and forced the flight crew to bring them here to this green planet before ours exploded.

It was well over 50,000 years before we ever found out they had survived the end of our world, and were here with us. Not till after the forcing of the meteor into the ocean off the coast of Mexico loosing the last of our ships and any way off this planet forever. We also used up all our nuclear weapons with that move. After that the earth warmed up, and life started again as normal... we were not effected by the weather change one little bit. Back on our home planet we had these kind of weather changes all the time. The only problems we had was with your sunlight–we hid from it during most of the daylight with the exception of when the meteor hit and blocked out the sunlight. Then we went about creating more animals and an accident–a big one–the humans.

We were trying to replicate a plant that grows wild on our planet back home, but when our scientist mixed the genes with an animal they created the first humans with the substance we needed to live off of. You now know it as your blood. Back home the plants had a milky cream colored substance we drank it tasted the same as blood. The only reason for the fangs was to extract the milky liquid from the plants safely. The plants had a spot near the top we had to bend then sink the fangs into to cause the flow to begin, once done you drank all you wanted the plant made more overnight. No big deal–unlike the humans we found out quite quickly after killing off more than our fare share in the beginning. Hence the rules not to drink to the end of their life–as it has been ever since. The plant was the Blood Flower.

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