Chapter Two: First Time for Everything

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     The bed is unbelievably comfortable...comfortable enough that I definitely don't want to get out of it even for classes. With a sigh I shift out of bed anyways and glance around my new dorm room; the canopy is still tied back to the bed posts so I can see out and my bed covers rumpled. Everything else is still the same way it was when I came in last night. I shuffle over to my dresser and pull out grey cotton bikini style panties, a white t-shirt bra, a white cloth camisole, my dark grey plaid uniform skirt that reaches just below my knees, my white button up dress shirt, my Gryffindor tie, robe, and black flats with small bows just above my toes. Changing quickly I make sure that every part of my uniform is neat and tidy; adding the newest addition to my robes, the gold and maroon colored Head girl pin to represent my house. Once I've changed fully I grab my hair brush, toothbrush, and toothpaste, making my way to the bathroom. I close the door softly behind me and brush my teeth first and then take my hair out of my braid. I carefully brush through the knots; my hair becoming bushy and semi-untamable by the second. After a while I pull my hair up into a tight low ponytail at the nape of my neck and gather my belongings and exit the bathroom. Malfoy was leaning against the wall next to the portrait and staring at the floor before him. Once he hears the door open his eyes lift to mine.

"We're late for breakfast." Malfoy states indifferently.

"You could've gone without me Malfoy." I reply. "As much as I believe that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, I can't stomach anything until around eleven."

Malfoy rolls his eyes. "Thanks for the little fact. Let's go."

"I guess you slept terribly." I mutter to myself. "Oh wait it's just your personality to seem like you've never gotten enough sleep and you take it out on the rest of the world."

Malfoy's steps falter for a second before he keeps going. He chose not to reply with something nasty. Mature of him. "You make it difficult to want to be civil." He says instead.

"You've made my school career more difficult socially than it needed to be for the last seven years. Don't test me. I might decide to be civil but I'm still not going to allow you to treat me like I'm nothing even if they're small little comments." I snap. "I'm tired of you walking all over me like a doormat."

      No comment was made from Malfoy by that point. Our footsteps and the rest of the castle could be heard but we did not speak. Not once to each other. I greeted fellow students on the way to the Great Hall but Malfoy only nodded to people he knew and tolerated or even thought of as an acquaintance that would help him later. That's Malfoy for you. Can't be nice unless he gets something out of it. Prick. We enter the noisy great hall that's filled with last minute students wanting to at least grab a piece of toast or a banana before classes. McGonagall peers down the room to settle on us, nodding her greetings. I shift to go to the Gryffindor table as Malfoy moves to the Slytherin table. Finally putting at least twenty feet from the sulking snake I relax a little and place a small smile on my face when I see my worried friends glancing over at me every so often.

"Good morning." I say as I sit in between Harry and Ron.

"Morning." Harry says cautiously. 

"How was everything last night?" Ginny leans against Harry's shoulder and looks at me expectantly. "Since you're alive I assume it went okay enough."

"Well, we called a truce with each other but we're hitting a lot of bumps." I respond, grabbing a pre- sliced grapefruit. "As expected since we've had a rivalry since first year with each other."

"Well that's going to be expected 'Mione. No one just changes in a day. A habit is a habit and it takes a while to break it." Ginny nudges me. "Especially with Malfoy. It's going to take a lot of work to even tolerate each other for more than three minutes a day tops."

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