Chaper 9

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Castiel falls asleep as well, but not for long. Only an hour after collapsing in bed with Dean, he wakes up, a rush of terror running through him as he doesn't recognize where he is- it fades the moment he registers who the person laying across his chest is, as Dean murmurs in his sleep. Cas feels his heart pound at that, chest tightening around it like his heart is suddenly too large to be contained by his ribcage anymore, like it wants to burst out from the overload of emotions racing through him. Cas shuts his eyes and runs a hand up and down the boys back, watching the light from the now open windows filter in and wash over Dean's face. He was gorgeous like this, the moonlight hitting his features and accentuating the cupid's bow of his plush lips, still bruised and swollen from when Dean was using them on Castiel's body earlier. Cas feels his breath catch, and he slowly moves out of Dean's grip, pausing when the boy frowns in his sleep.
He makes his way back out to the living room and grabs the notebook, and a pencil, then returns to sit beside the bed to sketch Dean. Half an hour and sixteen quick sketches and one long one later, Cas moves back into the bed, the notebook left on the windowsill with the pencil inside it. He crawls back in beside the boy, biting his lip when Dean groans and rolls over, pulling Cas close.
Cas smiles to himself, and wraps his arms around Dean, kissing the boy's forehead, nose, cheeks, and smiling when Dean smiles softly, and grunts out 'go to sleep Teach...'
Dean's a late riser. So naturally, when he opens his eyes Saturday morning and blinks at the alarm clock on the opposite of his room, it's already past eleven. He rubs his eyes, stretching out on the bed and yawning audibly. It takes him a few more minutes of lolling on the mattress, before it dawns to him and he sits up with a jolt. His eyes fall back on the empty bed, heart pounding against his chest as he remembers the last day, the night, the breathtaking sex and shared caresses. But Cas is gone. His bedroom door is off the latch and Dean quickly scrambles on his legs, hurrying out in the hallway and over to the living room. It's empty as well and Dean lets out a frustrated groan, just when he hears soft clicking noises from the kitchen. He stops in the door frame, his eyes on the slender form standing by the stove, moving a spatula inside of a pan and whistling quitly to himself.
"I've never seen anyone cook in here", Dean says, voice disbelieving but amused and when Cas turns his head to look at him, Dean blushes a little. The other man looks relaxed and completely at ease, smiling brightly at him.
Dean makes his way over to him, wrapping his arms around his waist and pressing a kiss to his cheek, as he peaks over his shoulder.
"Mmmh, scrambled eggs", he states, leaning in to kiss his neck and hum satisfactory against the warm skin "How'd you sleep?"
Castiel chuckles and leans his head against Dean's for a second while continuing to stir the eggs about in the pan.
"Well enough."
He doesn't mention that he's not used to cuddling, because Meg always wanted to sleep in a certain position, and hated being too warm in the middle of the night. Cas doesn't tell Dean that it's the best night of sleep he's had in months, after he crawled back under the covers after he finished his sketches. Cas clears his throat.
"I, um, never sleep too late, so I went and got some stuff at the store..."
Dean raises an eyebrow and then turns around to survey the kitchen, which looks cleaner than it had before, but not spotless. He opens the fridge and Cas blushes at the audible gasp as Dean sees it practically full of fresh ingredients.
"I can't cook MUCH, but I figured while I'm here I might as well make some food for you that didn't come out of a box or a can..."
He shrugs and turns off the stove, piling the scrambled eggs, flavored with bell peppers, mushrooms, garlic and slices of sausage, onto a plate that already had slices of toast on it.
"...and if I'm going to come back....", Cas turns around to look at Dean after putting the spatula down on the counter top and, crossing his arms over his chest, leans against the counter.
"'ll be nice to know that you at least have mustard."
Dean is speechless for almost a full minute, before he shakes his head slowly, closing the fridge and looking back at Cas again.
"If you're coming back, huh?", he finally says, leaning against the counter, hips canted so that Cas had a good view on the curve of his ass "Well, Mr. Novak - if your cooking's as good as the sex, you've just earned yourself a season ticket."
He chuckles and walks over to get a set of plates and cutlery from the cabinets, placing them on the now clean table and sitting down, when Cas sets down the plate with the eggs and toast on it. There's already peanut butter and jam on the table, but Dean waits until Cas piles half of the eggs on his plate, before starting to devour them. It's the best breakfast he'd had in a while - except the one at the diner the day before - and he doesn't hide how pleased he is with Cas' performance, giving him a thumbs up and a muffled 'Befinitely Ffeafon ticket'.
Cas blinks, trying to understand Dean for a second, a vacant slightly confused look on his face as his head tilts to one side, eyebrow raised. He gets it in the next second and can't help but laugh, loud and happy, eyes wrinkling at the corners as he shakes his head at Dean and leans back in the chair.
"Heh...well thank you...for the 'fea-fon ticket'."
Cas looks up at Dean, smiling slowly as he watches Dean for a moment, before turning back to his plate. Cas eats slowly, savoring every flavor of the food and finishing his plate. By now, it's almost noon, and he stands up and takes his plate back to the sink, rinsing it and setting it aside. He turns back around and then licks his lips before leaning down to plant a soft lingering kiss on the side of Dean's neck.
Castiel stands back up and stretches, nodding his head toward the hallway.
Dean stuffs the rest of his PBJ toast in his mouth, before nodding and getting up from his chair. He leads the way to the bathroom, feeling Cas' eyes on him and shrugging off his shorts, when they're inside and the door is closed. He steps inside the spacious shower, holding out a hand to pull Cas inside, once he's done undressing. Dean's never been the biggest fan of joint showers, never really had the chance to do it either, as most of his one night stands usually didn't even stay the night. But like so many other things, this is different with Cas. Dean lets him pin his body against the bright blue tiles, lets him kiss his neck and jaw and moans approvingly, when Cas reaches for the shower gel, squeezes a proper amount of it on his hands and starts rubbing it all over his body. Dean bites his lip, when Cas actively leaves out that one part Dean wants him to touch so badly, and holds his wrist tight, as he looks up at him out of pliant eyes.
"I think you missed a spot", he whispers against Cas' temple, licking the mixture of water and sweat off his skin.
Cas smirks and glances up at Dean through eyelashes thick with water droplets.
"I did, didn't I?"
He pushes the boy against the shower wall, the cold tile making Dean shiver and let out a soft moan.
"...We'll have to fix that..."
Cas slowly sucks on his neck, one hand wrapping around the other side to barely brush fingers through Dean's hair. His other hand slides down Dean's wet, slick torso, running over the short patch of curls to wrap around his semi-hard cock, chuckling as Dean arches into it. Castiel is slow as he moves his hand, marking Dean's neck even further with long sucking kisses, biting gently here and there, just a firm press of teeth around amounts of flesh made to feel delicious instead of hurt. Cas ruts his hips against Dean's thigh, his own hard-on filling rapidly as he strokes the boy. It's lazy and sweet, the warm water making everything naturally slip and slide, skin on skin contact sending thrills down both of their spines.
"You are so beautiful, Dean...", Cas whispers against his ear, and twists his wrist on an upstroke.
Dean smiles softly, as Cas keeps stroking him, his grip tightening every now and then and making the boy elicit sweet sounds of approval. He's so incredibly hot, being touched like this under the jet of warm water and his head feels dizzy from just this lazy morning hand-job. He lets his head fall forward, resting his forhead against Castiel's shoulder, as the older man keeps pleasuring him, rutting his hips against Dean's more often and determined now. Cas' words are like honey, dripping on Dean's skin, making it tingle with arousal, with satisfaction and something else, something that makes his chest tighten with a feeling that is not of a sexual nature. He bites his lip to stifle a loud moan at this thought and arches his hips forward, into Cas' touch once more. It only takes a few more minutes, Cas' hand going faster now, gripping harder and then Dean's coming and sliding down the tile wall, body limp and a look of sheer content on his wet face.
"Jesus", he breathes out, chuckling to himself, as Cas sinks down to join him on the shower floor, hands gently on Dean's chest and neck "I could get used to that...."
It takes every single ounce of Castiel's strength not to kiss Dean then, and the flicker of pain that goes through his eyes is obvious, even in Dean's blissed out state. Cas nods silently and just leans forward, bringing their foreheads together as he shuts his eyes.
"Me too," Cas whispers, voice thick with arousal and barely withheld emotion. The more time he spent around Dean, the harder it was getting to think that this was just sex, because it wasn't...not anymore. Cas looked forward to seeing Dean's smile, hearing his laughter, even more than he looked forward to sinking down inside the teenager and bringing them both to orgasm.
Cas pulls away with a clearing of his throat and stands back up slowly, grabbing the soap to wash himself. He had to calm himself down, or he was going to say something he would regret, because the minute the words left his mouth he knew that Dean would freak out; hell, Cas is freaking out internally and he's the one who has them running through his head, chanting over and over every time Dean turns those green eyes on him, every time he sees another slice of who Dean really was, inside, under the mask.
Dean notices the look on Cas' face, of course he does, but he averts his eyes, slowly scrambling back to his feet, as the other man continues washing himself. Denial had always been one of his talents...
They leave the shower only to tumble in Dean's bed again, repeating what they had done the night before. Only when there's a small pile of four condoms on the floor next to Dean's bed, the teen slumps down in Castiel's arms, falling asleep immediately.
This time Castiel is there when Dean opens his eyes again. He's sleeping or at least dozing, eyes closed, lips slightly parted and Dean can't help but smile and blush at the closeness of their faces. He can feel Castiel's breath on his face, can smell his own body wash on the older man's skin and shudders at the thought of that. He reaches up with one hand, fingers brushing as gentle as possible over the man's lips, thumb resting on the corner of his mouth eventually. Dean sighs quietly and disentangles himself from Castiel's arms carefully, before tip-toeing over to the windowsill where the sketchpad lies. Leaning back against the wall, Dean flips to the newest addition of drawings and has to suppress a chuckle at the sight of the countless sketches of himself.
"Get your kicks of watching people sleep, huh?", he mutters to himself, shaking his head and then returning to the bed.
When he climbs back in, he pulls Cas' arms around him, snuggling against his warm body and closing his eyes as he drifts back into a comfortable sleep.
They both wake up in the late afternoon, and Cas teaches Dean how to make a macaroni casserole that was actually somewhat healthy, and certainly had more nutritional value than the microwave stuff that the boy had been eating. They laugh as the make the food, chattering together about the different names of cheeses and how stupid they all were, about how an oven actually works and the difference between convection and conventional ovens, and why convection ovens were far superior for most tasks. Dean talks about his love of cars, and Castiel actually listens, and asks questions, wanting to know everything he could about the things Dean loves. They sit down on the couch and watch a movie, an old black and white film, 12 Angry Men, something that Dean would have passed by with a grimace earlier, but Castiel had said it was a good film and they should watch it.
Dean sits on the edge of his seat, practically yelling at the characters on the TV, as Castiel snickers behind his hand, happy to see the teen so enthralled.
They're so lost in the movie, and each other, laughing and talking animately during commercials that they don't hear the door open, don't see the tall figure standing in the doorway. Castiel notices him first, and stares for a moment before smiling.
"Um, hi! ....I'm guessing you're Sammy?"
Sam stands there for a moment, eyes scooting from his brother to the strange man and back, before realizing that the guy had talked to him.
"Sam. But yeah, hi", he says, dropping his bag on the floor and walking over to the open kitchen and fetching himself a lemonade, before returning to the living room.
Stretching out a hand to shake the man's he grins, as the penny drops.
"And you must be that teacher Dean's been swooning over for weeks now."
A slipper only barely misses his head, as Dean swirls around and throws it at him and Sam ducks away, chuckling a 'Have fun, guys' and heads to his bedroom. Turns out returning early from his sleep over isn't as bad, as he'd thought.
Dean is fuming. Actually he is furious. His head's all red, as he scrambles on his legs to go fetch his slipper and walk over to the kitchen to get himself a beer. He knows it's unfair towards Cas but he can't just sit down next to him again and resume to watch a fucking - although pretty good - movie. He's grateful that Cas doesn't come after him for a while, leaving him to blow off some steam alone, before returning to the living room and slumping back down next to him.
"I don't even know what he's doing here already", he grumbles, reaching for the chips and stuffing a handful in his mouth.
Castiel can't help the soft chuckle that escapes from his lips.
"Well...he can join us for should be ready in just a few minutes."
He pauses then, and shifts so he can look Dean straight in the face, a slow frown appearing over his features.
"Unless you didn't want me to meet him? Is that why you're upset?"
Cas has no idea what's wrong. He figured he would eventually meet Sam... if Dean would let him. Maybe Dean's pissed it hadn't been on his terms, or maybe it's because he wasn't ready yet for Sam to meet Cas, and vice versa, but it had happened anyway.
He reaches out and touches Dean's neck, hand placed soothingly around the back of the boy's neck, thumb stroking gently along the tanned skin.
Dean flinches at the touch and for a moment he wants to move, away from Cas' gentle hands and understanding words. It takes him a lot of willpower not to and when he turns his head up to look at him again, there's a frown on his face that mirrors the one on Cas'.
"No that's.. that's not it, okay?"
He groans in frustration, raising a hand to cup Castiel's around his neck.
"It's nothing... forget it, okay? You should check on the casserole, I'll go let him know to put on some decent clothes."
He leans over to press a kiss against Cas' forehead, before getting up and in the hallway towards Sam's room. He slips inside, pulling the door closed behind him and glares at Sam, who's grinning like a cheshire cat.
"What the hell was that, smartass?", Dean growls but Sam just shrugs, taking off his jacket, still smiling that fucking smile.
"Okay, listen... you can have dinner with us - and trust me, Cas is an awesome cook - under ONE condition: no more hints or something like that, you hear me?!"
When Dean returns to the kitchen, Sam in tow, they look innocent enough and both sit down, as Cas tells them to. Dean sighs quietly, his legs restless, his hand gripping the fork tightly. This was going to be awkward.
Cas serves them up heaping portions of the casserole, the cheese melting to keep everything together. There was parmesan, mozzarella, feta and cheddar all working together to hold together the macaroni, tomatoes, sliced olives, and ground turkey meat. He sets the pan down in the middle of the table and then grabs himself a beer and opens it. He places a reassuring hand on the back of Dean's shoulder as he walks behind him to get to his chair, smiling at him slightly, before taking his seat.
"So, Sam," and Cas emphasizes the name Sam to let the boy know that he's not going to call him 'Sammy' again, "How old are you? I don't think Dean ever told me..."
He sips his beer while he watches the emotions flicker over Dean's face, the teen obviously distressed by this. Maybe he should go... Cas takes his phone out of his pocket and turns it on, sends a quick text to Gabriel asking him what he's up to, and if he's busy tonight.
At the worst, Cas would catch the BART back home once dinner was over. At the best, Gabriel could come pick him up and then he could spend some more time with his brother.
Dean frowns as Cas just starts conversing with his brother like it was nothing, Sam telling him willingly that he's fourteen and going to high school and that he likes dogs and ice cream and shit. Dean checks the clock above the kitchen door, nervously picking around on his plate. This all turned out so utterly and completely wrong, that Dean just wants to scream and throw his plate against the wall, smash his beer bottle or something equally brutal. It's not Sam's fault, not really, and of course it isn't Cas' fault either. So, as usual, Dean feels guilty for not handling the situation better, for letting it get out of hand. He's quiet while they eat, only answering to questions from both Sam and Cas monosyllabically. He's almost relieved, when the doorbell rings and practically jumps out of his seat to open the door. Gabriel chuckles as he sees Dean and - after patting Dean's shoulder - pushes him out of the way, entering the apartment on his own accord.
"Nice place*", he trills, making his way over to the kitchen, where Cas is rinsing the plates and glasses they used.
Dean frowns at him, leaning in the doorway, eyes scooting from Cas to Gabe and back.
"What's he doing here?", he mouths at Cas, when Gabe turns his back on him, a look of confusion on his face.
Cas blushes and quietly murmurs to Dean, "I could see you were uncomfortable... so I decided to make a hasty exit... Gabriel came to give me a lift home, Dean."
He turns back around just in time to see Gabriel grin toward the kitchen and saunter with purpose into the room. Castiel's face pales, immediately realizing what Gabriel saw, and how dangerous that could be.
He walks into the kitchen quickly, just in time to witness Gabriel leaning over Sam, one hand on the back of his chair the other on the table, effectively pinning the tall boy in place for Gabe to look over.
"My my my..aren't you adorable."
Cas hisses out 'FOURTEEN, GABRIEL', and Gabriel blinks, standing back up, eyes widening as he turns around to look at his brother. His voice is full of disbelief when he speaks, jaw hanging open.
"You've gotta be shitting me."
"No, I'm not." Cas shakes his head, voice serious.
"But he's so-"
"Yeah I know."
"Yeah, I KNOW."
Gabriel takes a deep breath and sighs, crossing his arms over his chest before looking back down at Sam.
"Too bad, would have had some fun with you, kiddo."
Gabriel winks at Sam, golden eyes dancing with mischief.
Dean is torn between laughing his ass off at the look of pure shock on Sam's face and giving Gabriel a nut shot. He doesn't get a chance to do either and settles for shocked, when a smile cracks over Sam's face and he reaches up to pull Gabriel's face down, lips pressing against his cheek just for a second. In the following silence, Sam chuckles, getting up and leaving the kitchen with a look of mischief on his face.
"You should leave... now...", Dean says almost automatically, eyes on Gabriel full of aversion.
He doesn't look at Cas, just can't right now and waits until he sees out of the corner of his eye, that the men start moving. Castiel leans into his personal space for just a second, pressing a soft kiss against his cheek, before leaving the room. Only when the apartment door falls shut, Dean can move, storming out of the kitchen and into Sam's bedroom.
"Are you out of your mind?!? He's over thirty!!"
He doesn't give Sam a chance to reply, leaving the room not without slamming the door shut behind him. He stares at the ceiling of his own room for a very long time, before he finally falls asleep, deeply missing strong arms around his shoulders and a soft breath against the side of his face.
Gabriel wanders down the hallway, stumbling a little, as he touches his cheek and flushes bright red, fingers lingering over where Sam's lips had pressed against him. Cas rolls his eyes at his brother, and guides the shocked man into the elevator where Gabriel leans against the wall in stunned silence. Cas shifts his bag on his shoulder and finally lets out an exasperated sigh.
"What is it, Gabe?"
Gabriel turns gold eyes on his brother, a slow smile full of wonder appearing on his face.
"I'm totally in love."
Cas makes a choking sound and Gabriel lets out a soft mirthful laugh before exiting the elevator, his younger brother trailing behind him letting out a litany of 'You can't!' and 'Gabriel, seriously!?' and 'FOURTEEN GABRIEL, FOUR-FUCKING-TEEN!'
Gabriel just giggles gleefully as they hop into his jeep and drive away, Cas looking up at the top floor of the apartment building, hoping for one more glimpse of Dean before the night closes in on them.
The next day is a Sunday, and Gabriel and Cas spend it together, wandering around San Francisco just to explore things for a bit. About half way through the day Cas can't take it anymore and tells Gabriel to shut up about Sam, because it can't happen, will never happen, and Dean would castrate him if he even thought Gabriel was THINKING about Sam.
Gabriel pouts, of course, but shuts up after muttering, "I know it can't really happen, Cassy...just think the kid is cute is all..."
Cas sighs and hugs his brother around the shoulders, before taking him to the In n' Out in Daly City for lunch. Cas did need to get home and plan his lessons for the coming week, so sadly he was home by 2pm, locked in his room to avoid Meg and her uber glare.
Dean spends the whole day in his room, not letting Sam in and not replying to any of his half-hearted tries to talk to him. He looks at the sketchpad several times, at Castiel's drawings of him, at the passage he had written about how Dean had been his first and that he'd changed everything. Around 4pm he flips open his phone and writes a text to Cas.
Dean: I'm gonna kill Gabe.
It's not what he wants to say but he hits 'send' anyway. He feels even more guilty afterwards, throwing his phone in a corner of his room and slumping on his bed, then pulls the sketchpad close and writes just two words.
'I'm sorry.'
Cas replies within minutes, his words obviously rushed from the few typos that were made.
Cas: Dean, you dont have to worry about Gabriel. He wouldnt try anythin with Sam. He knows better than that. Sorry all the same though, obviously didnt think he'd hit on your brother...but what was with Sam kissing him?
He puts the phone down and goes back to his lesson plans, this time working on constructing a sculpture assignment and trying to figure out where he could get enough clay for cheap enough that he wouldn't be eating ramen noodles for the next month. Cas sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose, cursing the fact that the arts were becoming less and less important as time went by, and the economy continued to struggle in the gutter.
Dean gets up reluctantly, not sure if he wants to read the text but doing so anyway. He stares at the screen for a minute, before texting back:
Dean: How should I know? Fuckin hormones, whatever! Just make sure that leech doesnt show up here again
He turns his phone off after that, groaning in frustration when his eyes fall on the homework that would be due tomorrow. He's totally not in the mood for shit like that. He tries watching some TV for a while but turns it off quickly, as a black and white movie flickers across the screen.
Castiel frowns at that, knowing that while Gabriel was indeed a leech, it wasn't exactly nice for Dean to talk about him like that.
Cas: Hey, my brother just flirted, yours was the one who actually acted on it! Calm down Dean, I told Gabriel to back off, and he will.
Castiel goes to bed early, wondering how he ended up in such a bad mood after what had, overall, been the best weekend of the past few years of his life. He sighs and buries his head under his pillows, not bothering to try and pleasure himself, as even that doesn't seem appetizing in the moment.
In the morning Meg walks in on him in the shower, and doesn't even try to avert her eyes as Castiel flushes and turns away. She lingers in the doorway and tries to start a conversation with him, snarkily commenting on the bruises all over Castiel's chest and neck, before Cas snaps at her to 'Get OUT, Meg!'. She slams the door, knocking a mirror off the wall, which thankfully lands in the trash can, but still breaks.
Cas sighs, thinking to himself that this week was already looking terribly bleak.
He gets to school late, around 8am, but drove in with 100 pounds of clay for the class so he excuses himself to the kids waiting outside the door as he struggles to open it while carrying the first twenty pound load of clay. Two students help him carry in the other loads of clay, and by 8:15 when the bell rings, Cas is feeling a little better about the day.

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