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Toby used his keys to get in Val's apartment in the morning. He was gonna tell her his exciting news today.

He closed the door behind him and looked around his best friend's place. He sighed. The girl was not the tidiest. She was too lazy to organize some times.

Val was not like other girls. Wait, scratch that, not all other girls are the same. He thinks that girls shouldn't be put into stereotypes. No one should be. An individual is an individual, and so is Val.

Toby picked up the trash he would find in Val's apartment and threw it. They would do this whenever someone goes to their apartment, they promised to look out for each other after all.

It was ten in the morning, so he would assume that Val is still asleep. At times like this, he would let her sleep until she would wake up on her own and find him in her home. He slumped down on the couch and fished his phone out of his pocket. He played a game while waiting.

Unlike Val, he loved playing games. Not that Val hated it, she would just lose interest in continuing one when it gets too hard or would require too much effort. It has always been like that when she was younger. Toby remembered how everyone was playing games in PE class when it was free time where you could do anything and she would just sit there. When he asked her why, she just said she hated playing, moving around too much. Plus, she hated losing. It would stuck in the back of her mind. Toby just thought she feared losing or risking anything. Despite the memes, Val is very fragile. Toby knew that. That's why he's her best friend.

Toby would always look out for her and vice versa.

It took about forty-five minutes until Toby heard bedroom door open, releasing a groggily walking Val out of it. She noticed Toby on her couch and rubber her once half closed eyes, wanting to confirm her sight. When she saw Toby clearly, she lifted her frown into a thin smile.

"Morning." Toby greeted as he stared still at his phone. Val greeted back subtly, heading to the bathroom.

Val took approximately ten minutes and went out of the bathroom more decent looking and perched herself beside her best friend. "What are we gonna do today?" She asks and placed her legs on top of his. Toby put his phone down and grinned. "We, my friend, are gonna celebrate."

Val's eyes widened and shrieked. "Fucking hell, you got the part!" She screamed, hugging her best friend tightly. "I did! I fucking did! I can't believe it myself. Oh my god, Val." He wrapped her arms around her as well, his head on her shoulder.

"You did it." She whispered. "You're gonna be Peter Pan." Val even felt a few tears running down her face. Toby began crying as well, instead he sobbed. Val rubbed his back, having a soft ecstatic feeling at the moment. The two had come a long way, after all.

The two stayed in each other's arms, crying and laughing at the same time.

"I'm hungry." Val commented.

"Yeah, we should probably eat. Let's eat outside. My treat." Toby said and let go.

Val stood up. "Fuck yeah. I'm gonna prepare real quick." She said and ran to the bathroom.


Toby and Val spent the day together, celebrating and such. Toby decided to stay the night and have a movie marathon as well.

"I'm so excited. Once Upon A Time is like so big." She exclaimed as she popped in a popcorn in her mouth. They decided to binge watch Once Upon A Time instead. Since Toby is gonna be there soon.

"So, like, I'm gonna spend less time with you now?" She said and snuggled into her blanket. Toby scoffed. "Are you kidding me? You're friends with Tom and his best friend. We're gonna be like that. You can be like my assistant or something."

"I am not wiping your sweat or anything like that." She pointed while munching on her popcorn.

"Okay. So, we're settled, Ms. Pierce?" Toby put a hand out for Val to accept like one business man. Val rolled her eyes and accepted his hand, shaking it. "I think we are, Mr. Peters. I better get paid well." They laughed.

"So, is Tom really dating Zendaya?" Toby asked Val, who seemed to tense up hearing the sudden question, but just shrugged. "Not yet, I think." Val answered uncertainly. "But he likes her."

"Does she like her too?" Toby asked. Val smiled. "What's not to like.. I guess."

Toby most certainly noticed the changed atmosphere. So, he started to suspect. "Do you think they'd look cute together?" He asked.

"Of course they would." She answered, failing to hide the bitterness in her voice. That was all Toby needed to understand. "Val." He warned. Val only looked straight at the laptop, so he paused it.

"Val, look at me." He ordered in strict but soft voice. Val looked at him. "What?" She protested, but was stopped when she saw Toby's serious face.

"You like him, don't you?"

"Him? Uh, who? Yeah, I guess. I mean, Rumple's not that bad of a cha—" Toby interrupted her. "I'm not talking about Rumple. I'm talking about Tom. Tom Holland."

Val tensed again, but scoffed. "What the fuck, Toby? Of course not." She said and turned her head back to the screen and was about to play it again when Toby stopped her hand. "You don't fool me, Valerie Pierce." He said softly.

"You do like Tom. You fell for him. And now you're hurting because of the thought of Tom and Zendaya falling for each other. You don't like that. But you pretend you do. Because what's a girl like you compared to Zendaya, right? So you pretend you like the two of them together, because you used to. But now, you don't. So you got scared of that, so you pushed them together more. You're afraid of your own feelings. You're afraid to take the risk. You're afraid of what would come next." Toby said. As he said this, Val only stared straight. When he finished, Val sighed.

"Sometimes, I just really want to punch you because you're better at knowing myself than I do." She laughed bitterly. Toby laughed as well and placed an arm around her shoulder. "It's gonna be alright, Val." He assured her. "It's gonna be alright."

"I realized I liked him just a few days ago. I mean, I had it in the back of my mind. But I kept trying to tell myself I don't. But I do. I really... do." She muttered and Toby rubbed her arm to comfort her.

"Well, I'm gonna be a dick and say I don't really know what to say because I really don't. But, I want you to do what's right. I think you should tell Tom if it's the right thing to do." He advised and Val chuckled.

"What do you say we go on an adventure?" Toby blurted out, making Val look at him like he's insane. "Adventure?" She asked. "Since I'm gonna be pretty busy when I start filming, I think we should go on a vacation. Are you in?" Toby argued.

"Did you plan this just now?" Val made a face. Toby grinned. "The best ones are the unplanned." Val rolled her eyes.

"Okay, asshole. Let's watch the series now."


i didn't forget to update on time this time 🤗

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