You've been shreked

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Sporacus's pov:
I was walking down the halls of my new high school. My uniform was your average Britney Spears "hit me baby" one more time outfit. I hope no one hits on me today! I walked into class late with everyone's eyes on me. "You must be the new student" the teacher said looking me up and down which made me bite my lip. "Y-yes" I say looking down at my converse. "Take a seat next to stingy. The name echoed in my ears. I remember being friends with him in elementary until he moved to Alaska. I took a look at him and me panties were so wet you could drown a toddler in them. I looked him up and down which made me feel like Biafra falls. I bit my lip and sat next to him. In  the middle of class I could see stingy watching me in the corner of my eye. When the bell rang everyone got up and left. When I got up I felt stingy put something into the waistband of my skirt. I unfolded it only to see it was a note. "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I moan seeing his beautiful handwriting which read: I know you love me. I mean everyone does. Meet me at my house after school. I got a couple friends of mine who'll be interested in you -daddy
After school was over I couldn't help but wonder if I should go to stingy house or mine. I mean what did he mean by "friends who were interested in me?" I hope he meant scrabble. I'm really good at that game. I decided to walk to his house and knock on his door. No one answered so
I walked in only to find the hottest bits I've ever laid my eyes on. The boys all looked at me and I bit my lip. They all stood up and walked to me. "You must be sportacus" one of them said. "Y-yeah" I could feel beads of sweat in my mustache starting to form. "I'm Rolf. People call me Jacob but you can call me fetus_musically_daddy<3" he said winking at me. I gasped at how hot his name was. "I'm Barry" the black and yellow striped bee said to me. "How...manly" I mumble hoping they didn't hear. The biggest and hottest one of them all came up to me. "I'm...Shrek" he said winking. I could feel my heat tremble. "O-oh" I whisper wanting to grab him my the ears and fuck him. "I see you met the crew...except one more" Stingy said walking out in a towel hanging dangerously low. "Who would that be?" I ask. "Me" someone said coming out of the doorway. "Oh my" I whisper. "I'm carl wheezer" he said leaning on the doorway. "A-As in jimmy neutron's friend?" I ask. "That's me" he says winking. My heat was having an earthquake. "What are we gonna do?" I ask pulling down my plaid uniform skirt. "Don't act dumb" Barry and Shrek say grabbing me and placing me on a bee. I smirked to myself. I looked to my right and saw Barry going into a weird rubber suit. "What are you wearing?" I ask. "My condom suit" he says winking. "Okay guys I think it's only fair Barry goes first" Carl says. "Yes" I hear Barry mumble: everyone stood around me. "I'm ready" I whisper. Barry pulled down my skirt revealing my black lace underwear with all of the musically users faces on it. I heard a chuckle from some of the guys. Barry used his teeth and slid down my panties revealing my hear. I felt Barry slip inside me. "Iahabiejsmwbskabsnsksjsnsnskzbsjsiehehdiskwneisqowozoapqkksnb1?1!2!!2!2!-" I moan. "You like jazz?" I hear him say inside of me. "Because I'm about to jazz inside of you!" Barry yells. "Wait what?!" I ask trying to pull him out but he kept moving around which made me moan. "Roar xdddd" I yell. After Barry came out covering me in his warm sticky honey I didn't even care I was probably impregnated by a bee and having a beeby. "I'm next" Rolf said which made me flush. He whipped out his shriveled fetus baby white dick. He stuffed it into my mouth. "Mmmmmmmmmmm yeahhhahh" he said. "Like a dum dum" I mumble. He tried choking me but he couldn't even reach past my two front teeth because his "dick" was so small. After he jazzed carl, Shrek, and stingy all fought in who would go next. "Go all at once" I yelled as they looked at me. "No problem" they say smirking. All of the sudden I was having a foursome with the hottest guys. After they were done we were all sweaty. I was putting my clothes back on and as I was about to leave Shrek grabbed me by the arm and whispered "you've been shreked".

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2017 ⏰

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