Big Day, Sad Loss

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So I had a big day today on DC, first of all I started a new rp with Jaxy (ClockWork) and then when she was really sleep and she wanted to continue it tomorrow I said sure. 
Little did I know Savage was right around the corner.

   Right when she left he came and I quote "Kisses Evi on lips and trys to wake her up." And I was like Savage! You stole my lip virginity I was gonna give it to random! (Cries) (goes full out sobbing) I WAS GONNA GIVE IT TO RAAANNNNDDDOOOOM! So that's a big loss and he came on and comforted me (told you he's nice) and honestly I am cuddling a kitten right now I honestly am sad that I lost my lip virginity even if it is virtual. So this song is dedicated to Random who comforted me for my loss unlike so many others would have. And for always being there and caring. Love you Random. ~Evi~

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