Chapter 20

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Sitting in Millie's room a few days later, having finished their Math homework ahead of the weekend, Millie turned to Sadie, "hey, Sadie?"

She looked over at Millie, noting the bold look in her eyes and the smile on her face, "Yes?"

"Can I take you out tonight?"

Sadie blushed and had no idea why, is she asking me on a date...god I hope so... "um, yeah, that'd be nice."

Millie smiled triumphantly, ""

"Yeah, sounds great. What shall we see?"

"Anything you want, I'm taking you out remember, so it's your choice, my treat."

Sadie just grinned, "so, is this like a date then?"

She didn't expect any more than a nod or quiet yes from Millie, so was surprised when she replied with a "fuck yeah, this is a date," her enthusiasm making Sadie laugh. "I'll pick you up around 7, is it ok if we walk? Weather looks nice."

Sadie nodded yes to everything, then said "ok, I'll see you at 7 then...bye." And with that she went home to get ready for her first ever date.


By 6.30, Sadie was in full panic mode. She didn't have a clue what she should wear, do, say, etc. on a date and was feeling too flustered to do anything towards getting ready. "Sadie, what's wrong?" asked Lori after finding her daughter lying face down on her bed, clothes strewn across the room from unacceptable movie date outfits.

"Ugh" was the response she got.

"Come on" Lori said, pulling her up, "this is ridiculous, she won't care one bit about what you wear. From what I can see, she likes you for you, and I'm damn well glad of it."

Sadie knew she was right and smiled, remembering Millie's incredulous expression when telling her that Maddie wanted to approve her clothes for the party. That damn party. She hated thinking about it, seeing Millie so upset, so broken...but deep down she knew if it hadn't been for that, she wouldn't now be getting ready for her first real date with her. "You're right, thanks mom." She finally decided on a simple outfit and started getting ready, as she did so she heard the bell, looking at the clock she saw it was 6.47 damn, she's early...

Millie cursed herself for being so early, she'd been so nervous and didn't want to be late so she'd swung way too far the other way. Lori opened the door and found a very awkward looking Millie standing there, "hey Millie, come on in, she's still upstairs making herself look pretty" said Lori, jokingly.

"She doesn't need to try, she's gorgeous" said Millie without thinking, before putting her hand over her mouth squeezing her eyes shut, "sorry" she said in a small voice.

Lori just smiled, happy that her daughter was being taken out by someone who clearly adored her. "Do you want a drink? I don't know how long she'll be."

"Um, yes, please, just some water, please?" replied Millie.

"So, what are..."

"Hey!" said Sadie breathlessly, having ran down the stairs and appearing at the kitchen door, "Millie, do you want to come up?" Sadie gave her mom pointed look, please don't interrogate her.

Millie hadn't seen Sadie's room before and was curious as to what it would look like. It was a decent sized room with an en suite, the walls were a warm yellow color which made Millie smile, it made her feel comfortable and happy, which matched Sadie to a tee as she also made Millie feel comfortable and happy. She was lost in thought looking around the unfamiliar room, until she felt a hand on her face, gently pulling it around. Finding herself face to face with Sadie, in her room, made her smile even more. She snaked her arms around Sadie's waist and pulled her close till they were mere inches apart, "I missed you" she said quietly.

"You literally saw me about 3 hours ago" Sadie scoffed, smiling.

"Worst 3 hours of my life" whispered Millie cheesily, before she kissed her gently.

"Idiot" Sadie replied, both of them smiling through the kiss.

They both sat on the bed, relaxing before their date, Millie leaning her head on Sadie's shoulder. "Millie? Can I ask you something?" said Sadie.

"Yeah, of course, what is it?" she asked, looking at her expectantly.

"You remember that first day at school?" Millie nodded, "why did you come and sit with me?"

Millie suddenly looked a little uncomfortable, "well, I had to save you from Maddie, right?" she said, smirking unconvincingly.

Sadie looked disappointed and pissed off, "really? Is that really it?" she asked sighing.

"What were you hoping for me to say?" asked Millie, brows furrowed.

"I don't know" she replied quietly, standing up and ready to leave.

"Wait!" Millie shot up from the bed and grabbed Sadie's hand, "ok...when I walked in with Gaten and I saw you across the room, I couldn't even carry on was like someone had reached in and ripped the air from my scared the crap out of me. I couldn't stop looking at you, I certainly couldn't keep a conversation going...Gaten told me everything I said after that made no sense at all." Sadie smiled, not knowing the effect she'd had on Millie was so instant that day. "And then I saw them sitting next to you...I just couldn't let them have you, I had to get you away from them, protect you from them...I had no idea why..."

"You really hate them, don't you?" said Sadie, finally brave enough to confront Millie about it.

"Hate is a strong word...but, yeah, I hate Maddie, I couldn't give a fuck about her hangers on, but her..."

"Why? What happened that makes you hate her so much?" Sadie noted the uncomfortable look on Millie's face, she clearly didn't want to talk about it anymore, "it's ok, you don't have to tell me now...another time maybe."

Millie nodded, surprised but grateful that Sadie was able to read her so well already, damn, I've fallen for her hard.

"So..." said Sadie, smirking, "back to that first day..."

"You really want to know why I came over?" Millie asked, as if challenging her to say yes. Sadie just nodded.

"Because you're breathtaking, Sadie, you're so damned beautiful, I couldn't not come over to you...the thought of those bitches being able to spend time with you, talk with you, corrupt mind had no say in the matter, I was already sitting next to you by the time I realised what I was doing..."

Sadie sat in stunned silence, it wasn't what she was expecting to hear at all, the idea that she, boring old Sadie Sink, had elicited such a response blew her mind. "Millie?"


"Say that first bit again..." she said, leaning closer to her.


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