Chapter 6

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The seven wolves arrived at the Yukon Territory after a day and a half of almost nonstop travel they had to take a rest for a few hours after they were a day into their travels. Luckily for Taylor she kept watch most the time while the wolves' rested. Taylor finally lay down and took a rest for about an hour and then they were up and running for a few more hours. Taylor was glad she had brought the stronger fighter and runners from her pack, but she was still getting to know Andrew and Connor, she knew that Andrew was an Alpha already, and she knew that Connor was a strong individual and hadn't attacked Andrew first. But as everyone knew, alpha's had a terrible temper.

Once they all safely arrived to their destination Taylor found herself ill at the site. Half rotting corpses of wolves lay strewn about, bodies of humans also lay about most wolves, some just humans. How could this have happened? Taylor asked herself. She carefully stepped further into the war zone, the bodies she carefully treaded over. Sighing and hanging her head she only saw the blood soaked ground. The kills were still fresh and the blood was soaking into the fur on her paws and lower half of her legs. She threw her head back and howled for her lost family. The stench of the bodies was making it hard for her to breath. Let's clean this up and start giving the bodies a proper burial. But first look for clues and smell out any strange scents. Taylor said, and immediately everyone began sniffing around and looking for anything strange or out of place.

The only thing anyone came across was a scent that didn't quite fit in, but was in cahoots with the human scent that was lingering around this place. Taylor growled at the lack of evidence that there was. Was she over looking something? She was so busy with her thoughts that she ran into something, as she hadn't been paying attention. She looked down to see the cold, glazed over and dead eyes of her youngest cousin. Jamison. He was only four years old; he had just had his fourth birthday last month. Taylor nudged small lifeless human body with her nose and howled once again, her howl was long and full of sorrow. She was joined by the others she had brought with her and they all looked down at the small child.

So suddenly, as if a switch had been flipped anger filled Taylors gut and senses. She wanted to rip who ever had done this limb from limb, and if she had her way, she would make sure to find who ever had done this to her family. It was concerning because whoever was doing this to the wolves was killing mass amounts of wolves and taking the others. Leader! Taylors head snapped up to Owen calling to her through their mind connection. She ran over to where he stood. Tire tracks. He said pointing. They are too far gone; these bodies have been here for more than a few days. We need to bury them properly and then return home and report our findings. We'll come back this way in a few days and try and hunt out where these tracks lead. Taylor said and then ushered the others to begin burying the bodies properly, each in their own grave and with their own markers.

After a straight day of burying the corpses everyone finally collapsed and had to rest. Taylor was still sick to her stomach with what she had found. She went to the pack house that had blood stains of the floor and broken glass everywhere. Sighing she transformed into her human form and walked through the house. She had loved this house and had spent many summers here with her second family. Taylor looked over the crushed pictures of her Aunt, Uncle, and three nephews. She was overcome with anguish and sorrow. She sat in her aunt's bedroom and was looking around when she saw something hidden under the dresser; it looked like it had just kind of been thrown under there. Taylor grabbed it and found a letter. The letter had her name on it. Taylor looked around like she was being watched and opened the letter. She'd always known her aunt to be somewhat physic, but this was weird. Taylors hands shook as she opened the letter.

My darling Taylor,

It saddens me that by the time you read this letter your Uncle, cousins, and I will no longer be in the world of the living. I want you to know that I love you, and your mother and father, and I couldn't have asked for a better niece, sister in-law, and brother.

I have been having these dreams and feelings for a while. I have known for quite some time that something bad was going to happen. The reason I didn't tell your father was because I knew he would try to protect me at the cost of his family, and I didn't want that to happen. I ask you not to tell him this, or he will blame himself until the day he dies, and I don't want that.

Taylor, the danger is still very great and I fear that it is far from over. Do not come searching for me. You must tell your father to leave the pack house and release the pack. The longer they stay together, the more likely they are all to be killed. I don't know how the humans have found us out, especially since we have rarely been able to change. They have been tracking us I fear for some time and if they know where we are, they surely have tabs on the other packs in the country. Please urge your father to leave the pack house.

Taylor, my only regret is that I haven't gotten to spend more time with you and the family. I know that the collectors will be coming soon. Keep an ear out for Vincent Morego. He is a dangerous man, and he is mad. I love you. Burn this letter.

Aunt Marie

Taylor quietly folded the letter in her lap and sat there. She quietly lit one of the candles in the room and lit the letter on fire and then set it on the floor watching it turn dark down and shrivel. Finally she stamped it out knowing no one would be able to read it. She then scooped the ashes up and dumped them down the heat vent. Aunt Marie obviously knew what she was doing. Taylor sighed knowing that her parents were going to have to make a trip to collect the family heirlooms. But while Taylor was here she'd have to find her aunt and uncle's last will and testament. Taylor went to the safe in her uncle's study and unlocked the safe.  

Taylor took the papers that were inside and stuffed them into her bra making sure they were secure, before heading out to the yard where the others were. Everyone was now in their human form. "Did you find anything?" Andrew and Connor asked at the same time and then they each shot each other a glare. "No, I didn't find anything." Taylor said, feeling guilty about lying to everyone, but in all honesty, her Uncle and Aunt's will was a matter for her parents and not the members of the pack yet. "Alright, guys time to pack up and head home." She said and transformed, the others followed suit and did the same.

We ran, charged forward through the wet forest and foliage that covered the scene. This time we didn't stop for rest and made it back home in half a day. I was thrilled to be home. I just wanted to feel the loving touch of my parents. My father, mother, brothers and sister again. But nothing, and I mean nothing could have prepared me for what I was about to see when we arrived back at the pack house. I could smell the scent despite the heavy smell of rain and pine. It was the scent of death and decay.

((SHIZZLE GUYS!!!! Theres a serious twist! First person to guess what may have happened will get the 8th chapter dedicated to them!

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