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"Cass? OH MY GOD, MOM!" Jo shrieked.

Startled Ellen jumped back, letting Jo go. "What? What's wrong!"

With wide eyes Jo pointed off to the side when Ellen turned to look her eyes widened as well, "...Oh no..."

Castiel was laying and half sitting up against one of the store's selves; it looked as though there wasn't a spot on him clear of blood. Neither of then could tell what was his and what wasn't, but from the look on his face they knew he was in a lot of pain.

"Get...get to the cars. We're leaving." Castiel panted, "I will get Sam and Dean."

"You?! How you play on doing that?! You look like you're about to die!" Jo cried out latching onto Castiel's sleeve.

Castiel simply smiled at her and Ellen, "That's possibly because I am dying. But it doesn't matter. What matters is making sure all of you get out of this alive."

"Of course it matters if you died!" Ellen snapped, she had just watched Jo die even if Castiel managed to bring her back Ellen wasn't so sure he could bring back himself.

Instead of saying anything, Castiel vanished. Trusting him to bring back Sam and Dean, and hopefully the boys could convince Castiel to be careful, Ellen helped Jo stand on her own two feet and together they started making their way outside to where they parked their car next to Dean's impala.


Neither Ellen nor Jo wasted any time in jumping into the truck and locking the doors, if they were alone they would've speed out of there already but they couldn't leave. Not with Sam, Dean and even Castiel still around here somewhere.

Jo looked over at her mother when she heard her exhale shakenly just to see Ellen slouched forwards with her forehead leaning against her hands which were clutching the steering wheel in a vice grip with her shoulders shaking.

"You died."

Jo winced, looking down at her lap and whispered, "...I know."

"You died."

"I know, mom." Jo bit her lip, "...But...I'm here now...I-I think Castiel brought me back...?"

Ellen finally looked up and over at Jo just before pulling her into a tight hug which Jo eagerly returned, "I know baby girl...and I am so glad he did. I love you."

Jo blinked back tears, "I love you too, mom."

The tender moment between mother and daughter reuniting was harshly interrupted when two figures suddenly slammed onto the hood of the truck and rolled off. Ellen quickly wiped away her tears and told Jo, "Wait here," Before grabbing a rifle from the back seat and stepping out of the truck. Lifting the gun in front of her, slowly Ellen edged her way around the truck and pointed the end of the rifle at the two groaning figures pushing themselves up off the ground.

"Ow! What the fuck!"

Ellen gasped and quickly lowered her rifle once she saw that the two figures were just a slightly bruised and dirty, Sam and Dean.

"Sam? Dean?"

Ellen turned and frowned at her daughter, "Jo! I told you to stay in the truck!"

Jo shrugged but moved forward the same time as her mother to help Sam and Dean get to their feet. Dean immediately kicked the truck's tire and yelled, "GOD FUCKING DAMNIT! The fucking Colt's supposed to work damnit! All this fucking work for what?! Me to shoot the fucking devil in the forehead and for it to not fucking kill him?!"

"What do you mean supposed to work, it didn't work?" Ellen questioned Dean but it was Sam who had answered her bitterly,

" seems the Devils one of the few things that Colt can't actually kill..." Once Sam finished speaking, as one both him and Dean froze before yanking both Ellen and Jo in a bone crushing hug.

"What the hell?" Dean almost laughed as he held Jo tightly.

"You guys are alive?" Sam practically beamed as he let go of Ellen and pulled Jo in for one of his famous spine crushing hugs, "Jo! Y-Your not hurt? Wait how did you heal so quickly? How are you guys alive?!"

Jo gasped and spoke quickly, "Where's Castiel?! He said he was going to find you guys and bring you here but where is he?!"

Dean furrowed his eyebrows, "What the hell are you talking about Jo? He's the one who dropped us on the damn hood! Which freaking hurt by the way! Thanks Cas!" Dean turned predictably to direct his comment towards said angel only not to see him stand there. Or anywhere near them for that matter, "What the hell? Cas! Man come on where you at?!"

Sam however was the one to answer Dean, "Dean...holy crap Dean he's over there!"

Turning to where Sam was staring horrified, Dean froze when he caught sight of Cas sprawled out on the street next to the impala. "Cas!" Dean yelled running up to the prone figure and reaching out to grab his shoulder but stopping just inches away when he caught sight of the two enormous black wings sprouting from Cas's back and laying limply on the ground next to him. Dean felt a bit nauseous at noticing all the blood covering his friend and the white bone he could clearly see jutted out from random spots on the...the wings.

" he alive?" Dean jumped when Jo spoke, he hadn't even noticed her walking over, or Sam and Ellen for that mater. But then he realized what she asked which was a very good question because honestly Dean had no idea.

Sam dropped to his knees on Castiel's other side, careful of Castiel's wing, and quickly reached down to feel for a pulse. After a couple of moments Sam swallowed and frowned as he looked up at the others but quickly looked back down at Castiel as he said "Uh...A-Angel's don't have pulses do they? M-Maybe he's just...unconscious?"

Dean shook his head, "...I don't know. I know they don't have basic human needs...maybe breathing ain't one of them?"

"Damnit boys move." Ellen said and without even actually waiting for them to move she to dropped to her knees but in front of Castiel's head as she gently lifted it and held her hand in front of both his mouth and nose, "...He's still breathing, I can feel it."

"So..." Jo sniffed, "He's alive right? I mean he is breathing, he just doesn't have a pulse..."

Dean nodded and looked at the others determined, "Okay, explanations for everything later. First things first, we need to get out of here and head back to Bobby's, hopefully by then Cas's Angel mojo will have him healed up good as new and we can figure out what the fuck to do next."

It took a lot of maneuvering and a lot of incidents with tripping or dropping him, but soon they all managed to get Castiel laid down on his side in the backseat of the truck with his wings awkwardly stuffed through the small window above the back seat which had them practically stuck in place pinned tightly together. They all felt horrible when Castiel whimpered or yelled throughout the process of getting him into the truck but they had no choice, there was no way he was fitting inside the impala, not with his wings as huge as they were.

Now, their main priority was getting the hell outta dodge and back to Bobby's Salvage Yard where they could figure out what to do next.


Here's the next update~!

Abandon All Hopeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن