Chapter 1 - You Never Know

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I looked up at the mirror in my bathroom, plastering that fake smile I had accomplished to let everyone know that i'm okay, even though i'm not. I examined all my features. My slightly faded dark brown hair, my natural blue orbs, my small petite hands, and my awkwardly shaped curvy body. I pulled up my sleeve to reveal my terrible fresh cuts and scars. I felt ashamed every time I looked at them. I didn't do it to punish myself. I did it to make other feel happy for my misery. I did it because of my horrid past that day by day keeps coming back and haunting me, torturing me. I did it to escape. I jumped at the sound of my step dad slamming the door shut. He had just left for work which meant I had to get my ass ready for school, the one place out of many that I didn't want to go to. 

Once I got to school, my attitude changed from miserable and depressed, to peppy and spirited. I always felt like such a hypocrite for doing that every day, but I only did it to savvor any questions people had. I'd rather keep things to myself rather than complain about my like knowing no one would really care. 

"Ashley!" Chrissy shouted, walking up and giving me a hug. She was my best friend. Surprisingly, I had a lot of good friends at school. I wasn't necessarily popular, but I didn't care. The small gourp of friends I had were enough to get me through the days. Sad thing is, Chrisst is the only one out of that group that knows about my story. Myself. My past. She's literally the only person I trust. 

"Hey Chris!" I smiled as I pulled away from the hug. We walked down the crowded hallways as normal, listening to out iPods and talking about one of our favorite bands, One Direction. She wasn't much of a fan, but she was willing to come see them with me if I were able to score tickets to a show or a wristbands for a CD/Book signing. She didn't hate them, but she didn't love them as passionately as I did. We began walking toward our first period class, when Chrissy snapped her fingers.

"Oh, I almost forgot to tell you!"

"What?" I turned to her.

"I heard on the radio that Kiss FM is having a contest to meet 1D! You should enter." she suggested with a nod. I laughed out loud. 

"Chrissy, do you KNOW how famous 1D is now? It would take a miracle for me to win VIP passes.."

"True, but it wouldn't hurt to try. You never know." She said in a sing song voice. I sighed, scratching the back of my neck and looked at her. 

"Fine, I guess I will. but i'm telling you, i'll never win." I said doubtful.

"Oh shut up of course you'll win! bye!" She cheered, skipping off to her class. I giggled, and took a seat at my desk. Once I get home, I'm gonna take the plunge and enter in this contest. 


Harry's POV. 

As we bowed one last time, the crowd roared like lions in the highlands. We waved one last time and walked off to the stage, touching hands, and running backstage. After shows, the boys and I would be so pumed and had large amounts of energy. Why, I'm not sure, but it was good for the most part. After we all got changed into comfy non sweaty trousers, we just hung out in the dressing room til Paul assured us that it was time to head to the bus. 

"That was a great show tonight, boys!" Liam announced, collapsing on the sofa. 

"It sure was." Agreed Louis, sitting beside me. "I saw the most hilarious picture of you, Liam." Louis chuckled. Zay stepped out of the bathroom, sitting on the couch as Niall came into the room, eating a sandwich.

"What did it say?" I questioned.

 "It had Liam's gorgeous face," Louis said, caressing Liam's cheek. "and it said 'Liam, you don't need a spoon to eat this' with a smiley." We all bursted into laughter. 

"Damn, the fans are quite clever, eh?" said Niall with his mouth full. Everyone nodded in agreement. I took out my phone to do some texting and tweeting, just minding my own as usual. Louis wrapped his arm around my shoulder, smiling at all the boys all cheeky. I looked up, smiling back at him. 

"Even though we've been doing this for quite a while, I'm still in a bit of shock. I mean, it feels like just yesterday we were all in Harry's bungalow, singing songs and lullygagging."

Liam chuckled. "Lullygagging?" I laughed also. Lou's vocabulary was quite hilarious sometimes. 

"Oh shut up, you know what I mean." Louis pouted, hitting Liam in the arm. Niall quickly got up and sat in between them, trying to protect Liam. Louis was right though. It seemed like just yesterday I auditioned for x-factor, not knowing that the opportunity would bring so many blessings in my life. I could be in Home Chapel, working in a bakery and still being in White Eskimos, but God had bettter plans for me, I guess. It was almost like fate. In a mere two years, I gained fans, man an album and two books, and made four new incredible best friends for life. They are seriously my rock. I looked up at from my phone, going back to reality. 

"I saw I sign that read 'can I please be in the band?'" Zayn said, holding a chapter book in his hands. 

"She must have watched the Saturday Night Online Quickfire." I added. 

"Oh, I remember that!" Niall rang out. "We all agreed to that one, right?" Everyone nodded. 

"You know what boys." Liam began. You could tell by the cheeky look on his face that he was getting an idea. 

"We should add a new member to the band!" Louis protested, stealing the spotlight from Liam.

"I was going to say that." murmured Liam, darting Louis in the eyes. 

"Well you weren't quick enough, sexy thang." Louis said, hitting Liam playfully on the jaw. I laughed. 

"But what about management?" Zayn included. 

We all took a quick second to think. He had a point. If we wanted to do something, we need to make sure management knows whats going on. 

"We can always try to talk them into it. Tell them why it would be best for the band. But we can't chose just anyone." Liam continued on like an ongoing novel. "We need a girl who'se just like us. Passionate, funny, dedicated, talented, and most importantly, someone who isn't afraid to be herself. We need a girl to fit the x-factor." Liam chuckled at his own lame joke. Louis put his hand to his face, shaking his head.

"Liam're not funny.."

"And you're not good looking." 

"You take that back! I'm gorgeous, right Harry?" He looked at me with those cute squinty eyes and long lashed. I couldn't help but chuckle at all of the randomness, but with the boys, that was never a surprise. 

"He's right, Liam. Lou's a babe." I said, pinching Louis' cheek.

He patted my arm, and rubbed it, wiping a fake tear from his eye. "Aw, thank you, baby daddy."I gave him a cheeky smile, and he continued like nothing happened. This is why I love Lou.

"Okay, back to business! Who's willing to ask management?" He asked, looking around for takers. Everyone was dead quiet. Finally, Liam spoke up first, like always.

"Fine, I guess I wil. But you lads need to back me up on this."

"Deal buddy.." Lou assured, "And I'm sorry for calling you unfunny." 

"Apology accepted." Liam said, flicking his hair. "Hopefully, they will consider." I was hoping myself. Don't get me wrong, having the boys in the group is wonderful and I wouldn't want that to change, but if we were to have a girl in the group, it would be more fun and interesting at best. Hopefully it would but the gay rumors to rest as well..although I don't mind them very much. I just hope management hears us out. If not, we're shit out of luck. 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2012 ⏰

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