2. Lazy

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Song ~ Alice Boman - Skiss 2 (Summer Heat Remix)

Magnus sat awkwardly on a train seat, next to an old woman who was clearly over sixty and trying to somehow make a pass at him. He scowled and ran a hand through his hair, that was puffed up and sprinkled with purple glitter.

"Excuse me, sir. But you look incredibly devoura-"

"Yes I know, and I'm on this train to get home to my boyfriend who will actually devour me. Much like you think you will." Magnus coughed as he cut her off, awkwardly messing with one of his painted nails. He was tired, and stressed, and just wanted to get home to his boyfriend who made him feel so indescribably loved that he went dizzy.

The woman sat back in her seat after hearing Magnus say that. She must've got the idea.

Magnus had started adjusting to what Alec called 'mundane life' and was getting used to paying for things himself, travelling on public transport as opposed to portalling everywhere. That sort of stuff. He had to admit,
It was annoying at times. Especially when he wanted to see Alec as the public transport was always too slow and packed with sweaty bodies. Not that Magnus hadn't experienced that before...

"So. You have a boyfriend?" The lady started up again. Magnus sighed. She didn't believe him, did she?

"Yes, I do have a boyfriend." Magnus replied quietly. "What's his name? What does he look like?" The woman's relentless questions never stopped. Magnus shook her off every time she finished a sentence and tried his best to ignore her. "I think you're a liar." She finished with. And at that Magnus' head snapped up, glaring at her.

"I'm not lying, miss. My boyfriend is called Alec, well, Alexander and I can't wait to get home to him and away from you so if you would kindly shut up.." Magnus trailed off, clicking his phone on to stare at his lock screen; a picture of Alec took by Isabelle when he was training. Hair wet, no shirt, fist coming into contact with the punching bag. He looked like he'd been hand painted.


Magnus leant his head against the window as the woman carried on gushing. He clicked his fingers that were resting on his lap and the woman suddenly couldn't speak. She recoiled in horror. She kept mouthing random words and phrases but nothing would come out. Magnus smiled to himself.

The train halted to a stop, and the woman was still weirded out as to why her voice was gone. Magnus stood up and slid past her, stepping off. Not before clicking his fingers again and making the woman tell something that wasn't very appropriate for public ears.

She glanced over at Magnus but his back was already turned, walking up the stone steps that lead to wherever Magnus was going to portal from. He didn't usually decide to do that to a random person but she was being annoying. And she was also dismissing the fact that he went out with Alec. That crossed the line.

The warlock made a portal and stepped into it, appearing at the loft with a smile on his face. His eyes widened as he looked in front of him. Alec was sleeping soundly on the sofa. Magnus knew he would've slept in the bed if Magnus didn't make it, but he did, and Alec being Alec didn't want to ruffle the sheets. He was innocent in certain ways Magnus still had to find out.

Magnus knelt opposite his boyfriend, admiring his now peaceful face. He always seemed to have a stoic expression all the time, the tight-knit eyebrows and glare permanently pasted on until he saw Magnus, Isabelle, or Jace. The face remained when he saw Clary though, as he knew that no matter how safe everyone was, she's always find a way to damage the wards, or lure a demon back.

Now Alec's eyes were closed, and they fluttered gently when Magnus' shadow loomed over him, blocking the light from the bulb that shone bright. Magnus felt extremely lucky in those moments he looked at Alec sleeping. It wasn't rare anymore for him to smile a proper smile, one from ear to ear. He'd usually show a sly smirk, or a disappointed smile, but never a grin like he did now, like he did when Alec was around. His Alec.

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