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You and Ein were sitting next to each other as you were talking in your form room.But that makes a change when someone walks in.

"Aaron?" I ask surprised

"(Y/N)?" His voice had happiness in it. You and Aaron have known each other for years, many before aphmau did because our dads did buisness together.

I stand up and walk up to him, "I though you had college?"

"We don't start school until next week. I came here to see you and Aph" As you are shorter than Aaron, he had to look down at you.

"Come with me, Aphs form has been changed, i will take you there." I take his hand and lead him to aphmau's homeroom.

Letting go of Aarons hand, i open both the door to Aphmau's homeroom.

"Aphmau! Someone's here to see you!" i walk in and call for her not caring if a teacher is there.

I look over to her seat and see her look over at me then at Aaron who was behind me. She then pushes herself out of her chair and run up and hug Aaron.

"Ok now bye! Gonna go back to Ein!" i say and walk off.

*Later that day*

You and Ein were sitting outside together as the football team played like every lunchtime.

"So (Y/N), who is that Aaron guy?" A soft voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Aaron? He was last years Alpha male but now he is in college, but we had know each other before we went to school together." Our conversation continues about how me and Aaron knew each other until Aphmau and Aaron walk over to us.

"Hi Aph,  Aaron!" i say while smiling,"

"Hi (Y/N)! Is it ok if we join you?"  Her sweet voice asks while she smiles back 

"Of Course it's fine!" 

They sit down and Aphmau shares her lunch with Aaron, Me and Ein continue talking about (Favourite show/anime). While still talking to Ein i take my phone out of my pocket and check the time, Seeing it was almost time to go i say to Ein that we have to go to Werewolf class now.

"We have to get to Werewolf class, we will leave you two together until you leave." i say and star walking with Ein next to me. 

As we walk, Ein's hand finds mine and our fingers intertwine-acting as if nothing happened- we continue walking to class.

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