My Time With Rammstein

Start from the beginning

"Interesting?" she asked.

"Yes, quite," Wasserstein replied simply.

"How, may I ask, is it interesting?" Mikaila questioned timidly.

Mrs. Wasserstein stopped her shuffling of papers for a moment to think. Then continued her search.

"Ah, here it is," she said lifting a packet of paperwork from a pile. "It's interesting simply because the client travels frequently, and whosoever takes this position will be traveling with them, wherever they may be going." She paused for a moment to read over a few pages of paperwork from the packet. Mikaila sat rubbing her hands as they sat on top of her lap nervously, 'will I be able to do this? I can do this right? I mean, I have my passport and I guess if they're paying for my travel fees I'll be okay. Hey maybe they'll go all over and I'll get to see the world. I can do this, this'll be easy, and I so got this." Mikaila was so lost in thought she hadn't heard that Mrs. Wasserstein had asked a question.

"Miss Kaycee, are you alright?"

Mikaila looked up to see a questioning look on the woman's face.

"Ah, er, yes I'm fine, sorry," she chuckled nervously, " I was just thinking, my apologies, what was it you said?"

Mrs. Wasserstein gave a small smile and repeated herself, "What experience do you have in the field?"

"I uh, well I just graduated from culinary school back in the U.S. a few months ago and moved here to take my studies further, but before that I cooked at a hotel restaurant for a year." Mikaila informed her.

Wasserstein gave her a thoughtful glance over the papers, "What about in the housekeeping department?

"Well I actually got the chef position after I had already worked a few months as the maid for the same hotel. Plus I grew up with four younger brothers and no mom around," She replied, smiling when bringing up her family, she missed and loved them dearly.

"Oh good, well let's see, how are you under pressure?" Wasserstein continued.

"Well no one is truly good under pressure, however I find I do some of my best work when I'm pressured, no matter what it is." Mikaila answered with confidence.

"very nice, now how about you tell me a little about yourself?" Mrs. Wasserstein asked, setting down her papers.

"Well what would you like to know?" Mikaila questioned.

"whatever you feel like letting me know," she replied with a smile.

"well, let me think, I love elephants, my favorite color is blue, I love to cook," She said with a wink, "My mother died when I was twelve and so I began filling her shoes then, I have four younger brothers as I said, they are 10, 12, 15, and 16 years old. I grew up in a small town on a farm. Which is what my dad did everyday, he's a farmer. Uh, well I love music, and my favorite band ever would have to be Rammstein, with probably musical soundtracks a close second, and that's about all I can think to tell ya at the moment." Mikaila finished.

Mrs. Wasserstein let out a small laugh and turned her attention to a paper in front of her. Opening a drawer on the right of her desk she pulled out an expensive looking pen and began scribbling something on the page in front of her. Mikaila attempted to peer at what she was writing but as she began to lean Mrs. Wasserstein looked up, causing Mikaila to quickly sit back acting as though she had never moved.

"Well, Mikaila, despite your knowledge of the German language lacking, I believe you are a perfect candidate for this position. Speaking their native tongue wasn't necessarily one of the listed requirements, so we'll let that slide. You are experienced in housekeeping, dealing with boys, and cooking, you seem just right. When is the soonest you'll be able to move in there?" she asked Mikaila expectantly.

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