Breaking down walls

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The next day I went down to the kitchen and Kai was not there so i checked his room and he was sound asleep so I went down stairs and started to make him bacon, eggs and a hot cup of coffee. I was dishing it up when he came down stairs with his hair dangling over his face, it looks like he had just woken up, when he released I was standing there he quickly pushed his hair back in attempt to tidy it up a bit I couldn't help but let out a giggle "what?" He said trying to act serious "has someone just woken up? Or did you get attacked by a bird this morning?" "Ha ha very funny. What you cooking?" " Oh I have made crispy bacon and scrambled eggs with a coffee." As I  placed his breakfast on the table he looked puzzled "why did you make some for me?" " because i did. Don't worry I can cook it isn't posed." "Oh it's not that it's just.. no one has made me breakfast before" I felt a wave of guilt rush over me I felt sorry for him. But that all changed when he took a bite of the bacon and eggs and his face lit up like he had just eaten a rainbow. " wow this is sooooo good" "thanks. oh and by the way you look like a kid who has just licked a rainbow." " for your information you can't lick rainbows." He pauses for a moment then mutters somet07763 892778hing under his breath "I've tried" as I heard him say that I almost choked on my coffee "haha" that is actually so cute " why are you laughing. Now you tell me what have you done that's so embarrassing since you know something that is embarrassing about me" I stop to think about it then I thought of the most embarrassing thing " when I was little I fell down the stairs and pretend to fly oh and once I pushed one of my friends over and when I went to run away I fell over and fell under a table." He looks at me with a wired expression on his face then he burst out laughing and soon after started to cry.

After breakfast and checking Riley we started to train. "Attack me" Kia instructed. " no why?", I'm telling you t-" as Kia was cut off when i dropped to the floor putting my weight on my left hand as I swung my right leg round the back of his knees and knocked him off his feet , literally, then landed on mine.
"You ok?" I said with a sly grin on my face. "Ha ha very funny" I go to help him up but before I knew it I was on top of him due to him pulling me over. "I didn't think that one through" Kai said as he turned bright red. I thought for a minute should I tease him? So I lean in close and he tenses as I do so then I put my mouth to his ear and whisper "no you didn't" I felt the chills go down his spine then got up and pulled him up with me.
Kia's point of view
When she leaned in close I tensed at how close we are. I admire this girl because she has a pure heart and will do anything to make things right. When she whispered in my ear I found a new side of her a sly sneaky side. And I loved it when she pulled away chills went down my spine. Satisfied at what she made me feel she got up pulling me up with her. "This is a new side to you princess" I said to her trying to brush off what happened.
Brooke's point of view
When he called me princess I was fighting the redness in my face composing myself I ease and eyebrow and walk of flicking my hair in his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2017 ⏰

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