Red Leather

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Summary: Renee Griffin is gorgeous, loveable, undeniably popular, and has an uncanny ability of getting everything she wants. She is a cunning seductress, a loving daughter, a prima donna socialite, and a cold-blooded murderer. This is not a story for the faint hearted. This is the story of a 21st Century psychopath.

"'You’ve killed,' he breathed. His eyes had grown big, so big that they barely fit his face anymore. He didn’t resemble Nathan at all. He was pathetic, and cowardly, and weak.

'I have.' Silence and darkness threatened to crush us both, the sound of his uneven breathing piercing through my eardrums. I didn’t bother hiding anything in my demeanour – it was a relief to let the darkness out, to let it slip out of every pore and every cell.

He was going to die.

His next words were quiet, so quiet, that it could have been drowned out with the faint sound of cheers coming from the stadium.

'You’re a monster.'"

Author: help-me-think-of-one

Status: This book is completed.


  This story is the sequel to White Lies. It is not from Jess's POV but she and Nate are still in it.  It's from Jess's cousin, Renee's POV.  Renee's a bit of a twisted character but it makes her interesting.  Her view of life and the things in it are so abnormal from what you would expect from a pretty, popular, and wealthy teenage girl.  She takes the words 'I want it,' and she empowers them.  Renee doesn't often hear no, and if she does you'd better watch out.  This story ha me so frustrated because I was getting so emotionally invested in it.  I think my mental state suffered slightly while reading this.  My friends actually tried to take my phone so I couldn't read it. It was so amazingly brilliant and it was written wonderfully.

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