White Lies

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Summary: "I hate being bipolar. It's fantastic." Jessabel Griffin is a liar - plain and simple. On the first day of high school, she lied about being an albino. At the age of 6, she lied about having an astronaut father. And when her best friend - her only friend - mysteriously disappeared, she lied about that too. Suddenly, without warning, she is thrown into an interconnected web of lies that are far more dangerous, and far more lethal than she could ever imagined. With an annoyingly charming boy by her side, will she be able to unravel the one thing she refuses to tell - the truth?

Author: help-me-think-of-one

Status: This story is complete.


There was a small author's note at the ending of the book that stated that the author's intentions were to create a book that hooked people so well that they couldn't wait to get back to it. This review is to let you know, that she succeeded 100%. I walked around with my eye glued to the screen, soaking up the words insanely, and my hand glued to my phone, my finger almost permanently attached to the screen as I greedily scrolled down. This story was so phenomenal. I've been having a bit of a reading drought lately and this book has completely solved that problem. Jess was such an interesting and unique character with her lying gift. It made her who she was, in her eyes anyway, and to see how she reacted with having it and then when she thought she was losing it was interesting. I think I fell in love with Nathan, too. He seemed so cocky at the beginning, but then as the story progressed we saw him more and more. It was absolutely perfect and everything fell into place really well. When the ending was revealed, I was able to think back to all the incidents, and little clues that had popped up and make complete sense out of all of them. The author did a phenomenal job tying everything together nicely.

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