Country Music

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How do you know it is real?
You close your eyes and as you listen, you imagine yourself driving down a country lane.
You see a farmer tilling his field,
preparing to plant his new crop.
You see the neat rows he makes to receive the seedlings.
This is his life. You can see the love of the land in his tender care of the precious plants.
You drive further along the lane and you see in the distance a cowboy mounted on his horse herding cattle up a hill. The grass is lush and vibrantly green. The cowboy looks so comfortable and confident in his sattle. Being a cowboy is in his blood and has been in his family's blood for generations. Nowadays as open ranges are shrinking, fewer people can make a living working with cattle and training horses.  It is a dying breed.
Country music often pays tribute to people who make their living off the land. It is a genre of music that has primarily reflected the everyday lives of rural Americans. Over time, country music has increased its scope to include the urban life. Times change and it affects every aspect of our lives-including the music that is written and performed. As time goes on the rest of the world embraces this genre of music and it is gradually becoming more international. It is the music of the common man.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2017 ⏰

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