Somebody To Love by Queen

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This here Thanksgiving I find that I have plenty to be thankful for. I have a healthy baby girl, a incredible fiancé, a up and coming team, and a happy family. I'm thankful every day that this is my life, and this Thanksgiving we were helping others see the light too.

This year we decided to volunteer at a soup kitchen instead of having dinner by ourselves. I've had a good Thanksgiving meal many times in my life and I want others to experience that too. We arrive at a church on the in the other side of town around 6 and find ourselves in the kitchen. Someone was giving out instructions while all the volunteers listened closely. We would be setting up and cooking food then passing them out for the people who can't afford a nice meal. Katie had Abby on her chest as she watched her mommy sort things out in her head. First we were to set up tables and help unfold chairs so people have a place to eat.

"Are you sure you don't want to sit down, you've been on your feet all day and you're carrying a child" I suggest.

"Do you know anything about these families coming in here today" she asks. Random, but I'm sure there's a point to this.

"Well... no" I admit. Most of the volunteering I do is with the hospital. Never really been to this side of Chicago before and wasn't sure what to expect.

"These woman work three jobs a day, 5 am to 7 pm and still don't make enough money to support their families. When they're not working they are at home... still working. They have their babies going from home to home praying they stay off the streets, trying to find the best opportunity so they can take it. These kids don't have a clue as to how good life could be. They fight for everything and a meal like this means the world to them. Their fathers are trying so hard to find a job that will keep them but labor is so easily replaced that they're being used for months at a time than released when they find a machine to do what they can do but cheaper. They don't sleep because they're so worried about paying bills or when their next meals come. I'm not tired, they're tired. I'm not sore, they can barley move. I'm fine, but they feel like they're not going to be" she explains. I stand there in shock as she just defended a bunch of people she had never met before. She was showing empathy for something she has never had to experience in her life. She was simply amazing and I was blessed to call her mine.

"I love your heart" I reply and she smiles at me.

We get all the tables covered in white table cloths and chairs set up around them. We place little centerpieces at each table before finishing up decorating the eating hall.

I go to help cook while Katie changes Abby's diaper. I mash some potatoes in huge bowls with other families and really enjoy my time. I talk to a older man and I'm not even sure he knows who I am. It was honestly nice, just normal conversations.

"You got a kid" the man I know as Ray asks. He was a big husky guy but looked really tired. He still wore a bright smile on his face though.

"I do. A baby girl, just two months old" I explain.

"Ohhhh a girl. You're going to have so much fun" he says.

"You got a girl" I wonder.

"I do. A little princess almost thirteen years old now. It's hard, we don't have a lot of money or a lot of time, but we were blessed when God gave us that little girl. He gave us a reason to fight back instead of being pushed around by life. She's so smart, a straight A student. Super talented with music, especially the piano. It's hard for her being where we're from with the dreams she has but she's going to go to college. She's going to do something with her life that my wife and I couldn't" he smiles. I could feel the love radiate off of him when he talked about his daughter. He loved his baby girl and I loved mine too.

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