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Sally and I are sitting in the doctor's office waiting room. I don't really know what to think. I've always wanted kids, just not so soon or in Spooksville. I look over and see Sally shaking. I grab her hand and our eyes meet.
A: "It's okay." I say trying reassure her and myself. She gives a nod of agreement and her name is called. We follow the nurse back to a room with a hospital bed/table and she tells us to wait. A few minutes later, the doctor walks in.
D: "Hi. I'm Doctor Ache." She says. "So lets see what we're here for." She scans the chart and looks from me to Sally. I just roll my eyes. "Alright, let's get started. I want you to lay back." She tells Sally. Sally listens and I reach for her hand automatically. She gives me a smile and looks at the doctor.
D: "Okay, this gel may be a little cold." She applies gel to Sally's stomach and she grips my hand a little tighter.
S: "It is cold." She states with a slight laugh. The doctor then puts a medical wand in Sally. She moves it around and stops on a little blob.
D: "You see that." She says as she points to the blob,"That's your baby." Sally and I let out a breathe of air we didn't realize we were holding. Sally looks at me with tears in her eyes. I kiss her forehead and she's a tear or two as well. Doctor Ache says everything looks fine and that Sally is 8 weeks along. I am going to be a Dad. We leave the office and go tell Watch.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2017 ⏰

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