Chapter 1 ~ Hi I'm Agatha!

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The sun rose high in the sky despite it being the middle of winter. The time was 7:48 am. 

I woke up with a start. Something warm was blowing in my face. I groaned in annoyance as I realized that it was only my little brother trying to get me awake. 

"Aggie" he was screaming, "Mom says that you're gonna be late for your meeting if you don't wake up now!" 

Feeling confused I got up and ran down 16 (yes I counted alright...) stairs shouting "What meeting mother? I don't remember any meeting." 

My mother looked at me sternly and said "The vacation manager of some company, I can't even remember their name, but they said that they were going to meet you today for you to get a job there. Remember?"

 A soft tinkling sensation ran down my back and all of my confusion disappeared "Uh, yeah. Of course, I remember." I said as the sensation disappeared. Still a little confused I let my mom push me back up the stairs and slam the bathroom door in my surprised face.

 "Hurry Agatha! You have to leave in 15 minutes!" she shouted through the closed door before stomping down the stairs rudely. "Ugh mothers" I muttered to my self. I showered and dressed quickly and flew down the stairs to eat something because I was sooooo hungry. Before I could finish the muffin that I had grabbed my mom pushed me out the door.  

Suddenly I couldn't remember where I was going then a girl who appeared to be jogging stopped and smiled at me. 

Automatically I waved "Hi I'm Agatha" The girl, still smiling, waved back "Hi I'm Thalia! You look like you're going somewhere special. l looked down and realized that I was wearing a white dress that came almost down to my toes. "Oh," I gasped surprised "Haha yeah I am" I could feel my face starting to color and nodded still trying to convince even myself that I was actually going somewhere.

"Oh?" the girl raised her eyebrows. "Where?" I frowned, "Why do you need to know now?" The girl strained to smile trying to look sweet. "Umm come with me" she whispered nearly inaudible. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2017 ⏰

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