Chapter 1

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"Hello ?"Emma said, answering the phone.

"Emma! We need to talk!"her boss, Lorraine, said.

"Yeah, I know."Emma sighed. "Do we have to do that on the phone?"

"I guess not. Meet me in my office in 20 minutes."

"20 minutes? I'm across town! I'll never make it in time!"

"See you in 20 minutes Emma."

Emma let out a long sigh and hung up the phone. It was always the same. She could never have the final say. No matter how much she sometimes wanted to slaughter Lorraine's throat, Lorraine outranked her and Emma was powerless about it. Her job was considered one of the hardest but that didn't mean she got to make mistakes. And that her boss agreed on. Unfortunately, Emma made a huge mistake with a client yesterday. A mistake that could easily make her boss fire her.

Emma took her purse and went to meet her boss. New York was a big city. It was almost impossible to go from Brooklyn to the center of Manhattan. As she waited for the elevator to arrive, she unlocked her phone and scrolled through her song library in Spotify. She walked all the way to the Brooklyn Bridge while listening to her favorite songs. Halfway to the end of the bridge, she stopped walking and stared for a few minutes at the tall buildings in front of her.

I could've chosen a different life and now I can't remember why I chose this one.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before walking to the end of the bridge. She knew how it would happen. Lorraine would ask her to sit down and she'd obey. Then her boss would remove her glasses and look at Emma with a sigh. She would tell her what she did and all the consequences it would bring for the company. Then Emma would apologize. Lorraine would then say that her apology wouldn't change what she did. Then she would fire Emma.

Emma entered the building and headed towards the elevators. She took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

"Come in."

So she did.

"Emma, you're late."

"I told you I would be."

"Sit down."

So she did.

"I think you know why I asked you to come here."

"Indeed, I do."

"Stop being so formal, you know I hate that. Anyway, I don't think I have to remind you what you did yesterday."

"About that..."

"You know that everything you do will have consequences, right?"

Emma nodded silently. Every time that Emma made a mistake, Lorraine jumped on the opportunity and reminded her that she was far from perfect. A fact that Emma knew for a very long time.

"You also know how I think that it's important to take full responsibility for our actions. So tell me Emma, do you take full responsibility?"

"I do. And I'm sorry for what I did. I truly am."

"I know you are. But since it's not the first time something like that happens, I'm afraid I had to make a decision, Emma."

There it is.

"I'm afraid you're gonna have to leave us, Emma."



"What?"Killian yelled.

"Where is it?"Ella, his client, yelled back.

"Where is what?"

"The remote! What did you do with it?"

"I have no idea where it is."

This 60 year old brunette was seriously messing with his nerves. It only had been one hour and he already hated her. Everyday, he hated his job a little more. Technical Support Analyst. Why on heart did he decide to do this for the rest of his life? Most of his clients were above 50 year old and were very informal with him, just like this lady. Today was one of the worst client he has ever faced. This old woman broke her TV and her computer and accidentally broke the electricity panel.

"Never mind! I found it!"she yelled.

Killian rolled his eyes and concentrated on the computer. The old lady wiped her hard drive and wanted Killian to get everything back. It was possible but it would take a lot of time. But with the electricity panel broken, he'd need to move her big old computer somewhere else in the apartment. She was clearly very wealthy. You could tell just by looking at her address. You could easily get lost in her apartment.

"Killian! The TV's not working!"she yelled from upstairs.

"It's because the panel is broken!"Killian yelled back.

"The what?"

He didn't even bother answering her. It was only 2PM and he knew that he wouldn't leave before 8PM. It took only 45 minutes to fix her TV but it was plugged in a outlet that was unfortunately not working since she broke the panel. When Killian was done with her computer, it was already 7PM.

"You can go home Killian. You'll come back tomorrow to finish working. 8AM sharp. I'm an early bird."

"Good night Mrs. Goode."

Killian rushed out of the apartment and quickly got into his car. He drove to the company headquarters and registered all the equipment he used today.

"Killian!"someone called for him.

Killian turned back and saw Robin, his best friend, waving at him. He smiled and came up to him.

"Hey! How was your day?" Robin asked

"Awful, like usual." Killian answered.

"Oh, no. You had another old lady, didn't you?"

"The worst old lady you can ever imagine."

"What do you say, we get outta here and get a drink somewhere?"

"Not today, mate. I think I'm just going to go home and sleep. But thanks."

"Sure, anytime."

"See you around."

"You will."

Killian smiled and went back to his car. He drove home and collapsed on his couch, thinking this was the worst day if his life.

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