Chapter 1

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Taryn sat down. She only had about twenty minutes until the school bell sounded, and from previous days, knew that it would take at least ten minutes to walk to school. 

She looked down at the food in front of her, it being the items Caribou provided for her. Coffee and avocado on toast. Taryn sighed. 

She snapped back into reality when she heard a loud thump in front of her. 

A boy stood in front of her. Scruffy black hair coated his head, and a sports sweatshirt covered his arms. Snow fell from outside, which would automatically put shorts out of the question. But he wore them anyway. Taryn had seen him at school before. But she didn't know who he was.


"I'm sorry, do I know you?" She asked, confused why he was talking to her. 

"Oliver. O'Connor right?"

Taryn remembered now. She saw him hanging out with the popular girls and guys, not paying much attention to anyone else. He played all different types of sports, and he earned himself a "Bad boy" reputation at school. Taryn enjoyed staying away from those types of people.

"Taryn O'Connor thank you very much."

"Right." Oliver paused. "I'm starving, can I have some?" He asked, pointing to the avocado toast.

She nodded, not very happy with her decision, but she couldn't say no. He would still take some anyway.

Tearing off a bit of toast, he sat down, looking around the small store. 

"Grade ten I presume?" Taryn didn't want to start small talk with him, but she followed along anyways.

"Yea, what about you?" 


She sipped her coffee as Oliver's friends walked in, and Taryn was surprised with a number of people that were able to fit in the small coffee shop.

"Come on Oliver!" One of them called out obnoxiously. "Whos that?" They pointed to Taryn.

"Eh, it doesn't matter, now let's go."

And the group left Caribou, leaving her to eat the other half of toast that wasn't appetizing to her anymore.

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