~The Project~

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 Be the grouchy one, Karkats POV

I was sitting in science taking notes when the teacher, Miss. Reynolds, stood in front and began to explain some kind of project, then she said something that horrified me "I will be picking your partners" she said. I began to panic, I had always been with Sollux because we always got to pick our partners, but now... She began to name off partners and Sollux got paired with Eridan, I felt bad, and then she said the most awful words anyone could imagine "Dave and Karkat you will be partners" she said and I glanced at Strider, he was smirking, I leaned back in my chair and covered my face with my hands trying not to scream in anger. "Alright class this will be an out of school project due in three weeks, for the rest of class get with your partners and discus how you will meet and what you will be doing." she said and Strider was at my side in seconds "so how are we gonna meet?" he asked leaning on the table looking at me, his eye's went from my eyes to the top of my head "I can come to your house?" I looked up but saw nothing above me. He reached his hand up to the top of my head and I realized what he was looking at, he was looking at my horns, i pushed his hand away and scooted back slightly "don't touch them" I said glaring at him "but they look like candy corn!" he said. I rolled my eyes and we continued talking until the bell rang meaning school was over, finally gog.

Be the cool one, Daves POV

I stood up and collected my stuff before turning to Karkat, I know he never told me his name but I have my sources, he had pushed my hand away when I tired to touch his horns, wonder why? "You wanna walk home with me?" I asked leaning on his locker after I grabbed my school bag, he glanced at me and sighed "if I have to" he said slamming his locker making me jump slightly, not enough anyone to notice though, I crossed my fingers hopping Dirk wouldn't be home knowing he would ask me about Karkles, hey that's cute, I'll call him that from now on, "hey Earth to smart ass!" Karkles was snapping his fingers in front of me, must have gotten lost in thought, "sorry was thinking, shall we get going?" I asked holding out my hand. He rolled his eyes and began to walk mumbling to himself, man he's stubborn. We walked in silence until someone pushed Karkat from behind making him trip and fall "what the fu-" he began but looked back, the boy who pushed him was named.. Eridan or something like that, "Loww blood mutant" he spat at Karkat, I wanted to push him, yell at him, but I was frozen as he walked over to Karkat "so loww blood, wwhat havve you been up to?" he asked. I was getting kinda mad now.

Be the sea dwweller, Eridans POV

"So loww blood wwhat havve you been up to?" I asked sitting on his stomach "ah! N-nothing" he said in pain making me laugh, until I was pulled off him and onto my back by the one known as 'Dave Strider' "wwhat the hell?!" I yelled standing to face him "you listen here little fucker, you're gonna leave me and Karkles alone or I swear to god you're gonna fucking regret it. Got it?" he grabbed the collar of my sweater lifting me up slightly and I nodded, this human needs to get himself in check... just. Not. Right. Now. He put me down and I walked away quickly not looking back just wanting to go home

My healing Cancer (DaveKat) (HighSchool Stuck AU)Where stories live. Discover now