eight; explaining

Start from the beginning

I dropped her hand when she ducked her head in embarrassment, "I'll make us some lunch; how about that, yeah?"

She nodded and shuffled over to the kitchen table while I made my way to the refrigerator. Pulling out a some lunch meat, I laid two pieces of bread on the counter. I felt Rainy's eyes on me as I spread mayonnaise across the sponge-like bread.

"I hope you like ham sandwiches because that's about all I can make," I smiled back at her before fully turning around.

I held up the mayonnaise, raising my eyebrows. Her ponytail swayed as she shook her head no, casting her eyes down again. Her nail scraped against the wood of my table as she aimlessly ran her fingers up and down its creases.

I let out a deep breath before turning around and finishing the sandwiches.

She ate quickly, picking at the ends of her crust once she was done. I was still chewing as I watched her in silence, wondering what could possibly be going through her pretty mind at that moment. And as I stood to collect our plates, I hoped it was about me.


"One more question, I promise," I smiled while she rolled her eyes dramatically before waving me to continue. "How does your family handle all of this?"

Rainy brought her her thumb to the edge of her mouth, biting at the tip of her nail. For the millionth time, the marker was pushed against the white board and in her handwriting, the words spelled out, "They're great about it. Of course, my mom was worried at first, but after fully understanding my condition, she accepts that there is nothing we can do to change it now. Eli took it pretty rough the first couple months, not speaking to my parents. He thought if they were home, the burglar wouldn't have intruded in the first place. Then, he just finally acknowledged that his attitude wouldn't change anything and accepted it like the rest of us. And Owen doesn't know any different," she sealed the cap over the marker and placed it on the attached ledge on the board.

"So, when Owen was born you were already mute?" I asked to clarify and folded my hands behind my head as I leaned against the back of the couch.

Pursing her lips, she nodded and erased the board before padding over to the sofa. She plopped down next to me, close enough that our thighs were touching slightly. I watched her face get hot, her arms awkwardly tucking her legs underneath herself.

"Well, thank you for explaining it to me. I really do appreciate it, you know," I looked at her through my lashes, hoping she could here the sincerity laced within my words.

She sent a shy smile back then held up finger. Standing from the couch, she walked swiftly back over to the board and began writing for the last time, "Thank you for caring enough to want me to explain it."

I shrugged, a modest smile dancing across my lips. The suitcase sitting beside my front door reminded me, yet again, of the impending ski trip hanging over my head. My short-lived smile deflated, and I was left with a frown.

Once she sat down next to me again, I faced her, "You do know sign language, right?"

Despite the obvious answer, she nodded with a consistent smile gracing her thin lips. For a moment, I just admired the pure contentment circling inside her blue-green irises; something I didn't see when I first met her.

"So, you could teach me the basics?" A hopefully smile took over my discouraged features.

Rainy thought about it briefly before she shrugged and nodded along. Her hair that was tied loosely in a ponytail was now falling out, chunks of brown hanging at the sides of her head. The dark chestnut color contrasted beautifully against her pale skin.

My palms faced the ceiling as I leaned in to make my proposal, "Well, I have an offer. When I get back from the ski resort in two days time, would you be willing to giving me lessons?"

At this, she nodded eagerly, her white teeth peeking out from her wide grin. I was mesmerized by her current giddy image; her shoulders slightly raised, her messy hair going every which way, and her bright eyes staring at me intently.

"Well, then it's set," I slid my hands over my knees; my expression matching her's. 


anyway, i hope you all enjoyed this chapter !!

we finally get to know rainy's back story of how she became mute ooo

idk about you but i'm hella excited for their little private tutoring sessions

ANYWAY, please vote and comment ! its greatly appreciated c:



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