"Yep! I'm gonna blow ur mind with my amazing present!"

"Oh really?" Athena raised an eyebrow.

"Definitely, it's gonna knock your socks off pretty girl" Sirius nodded.

"Well then I can't wait." Athena smiled kissing him.

The two day together for a while but due to rumbling stomachs they decided to get some food. They missed much so they snuck down to the kitchens for a snack.

"What can we get you Master Black and Mistress Black?" Asked one of the house elves.

Athena just smiled as she was referred to as Mistress Black, while Sirius blushed red.

"Neely, you know you can call us Athena and Sirius" The girl said smiling down at the elf.

"Oh yes , but Neely likes the sounds of Mistress Black" The elf nodded giving Sirius a hard nudge.

"I'll be sure to get on that." Sirius choked slightly.

"What can Neely get you twos" She said sweetly.

"May we please have two Pumpkin Pasties?" Said Sirius. He was very polite with the house elves because his family had one and he knew they were over worked.

"Right away Mast- Sirius" She paused before smiling and scurrying off to fetch the food

After Neely brought the two their food, they headed out for an afternoon walk. Sirius had finished his in two bites and was now eyes Athena's.

"Oh no" She laughed "This ones mine!"

"Please" Sirius poured shifting his eyes from her to the food.

Athena looked right at him and took a huge bite.

"You're cruel"

"But you love me!"

After a few more minutes of walking they heard foot steps from behind them.

"Athena, Mr. Black come with me" McGonagall motioned from behind them.

"What's going on?" Athena followed.

"Just come with me dear."

The three walked to Dumbledores office. Sirius gave Athena a look almost saying 'what did we do?' . Once they got inside they saw James, Remus, Peter, Lily and some other students with Dumbledore standing in the front. Once Sirius and Athena sat down Dumbledore began to explain that he is forming an "Order" to combat Voldemort's increasing threat and power. Aurors from the Ministry of Magic joined the Order to participate in more secretive, sudden assaults aimed to crush the Dark Rebellion. And he would like them to join.

"I'm in" Athena lead, followed by every other student in the room.

"What did we just get ourselves into?" James asked as the group walked out.

"A change" Athena said. She was ready to fight against this darkness that threatened her friends, scratch that her family.

They all walked back to the common room. Sirius and Athena shared the armchair while Lily was on the couch and James beside her. Remus was on the Floor against the couch and Frank and Alice sat on the love seat.

"This year has gone by so fast" Lily sighed.

"Yeah" Athena agreed while Sirius kissed her cheek.

"Everything's gonna change now" Remus said flatly.

"Not us" Sirius shook his head, "We are gonna be friends forever."

Athena smiled, even though she knew it was wishful thinking. If anything Remus was right, nothing was going to be the same.

The group sat and talked for a while, the numbers depleted as it got later and later.

"Wanna do something?" Sirius whispered.

"Sure" Athena yawned.

Sirius went and grabbed his broom, while Athena snatched the invisibility cloak from James. Covering themselves and hopping on the two flew over the grounds and landed in a green spot on the shore of the lake.

Athena took her shoes off and immediately ran to put her feet in, followed by Sirius. The two walked but then Sirius began to tickle her. Athena, being the most ticklish person ever, spazzed and fell butt first into the water. Sirius laughed as Athena was sitting, soaking wet in the knee deep water. Sirius was bending over in laughter, so Athena took the opportunity to pull him in after her.

"Gah, nice one goddess"

She winked and did the thing Athena knew he would hate the most... she got his hair wet. Then Sirius started chasing her. She made her way out the water with Sirius running just under foot.

"Nooo, have mercy!" Athena laughed as he tickled her to the ground. After he decided Athena was punished enough he flopped down next to her.

The two just sat looking at the stars, at least Athena was. Sirius was staring intently at her.

"I love you." He blurted out, covering his mouth after hearing the words come out, "I'm sorry, I know it's a lot."

"Sirius" Athena cut him off with a kiss, "Don't say sorry"


"I love you too!"

"Really?" Sirius's eyes lit up.

"Of course"


aww they finally said I love you!!

remember to comment, vote and keep reading!<3


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