Chapter Two

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          I go to bed early, trying to get my mind off of the texts from Kevin. I get up earlier than usual, 6:30. The morning air is crisp with a hint of mist. The air slowly cools my body, so I put on a jacket and head over to Kevin's to walk to school like every morning. Once I arrive at Kevin's house I hear screaming. It's his mother. I wonder what happened. I run into the house up to Kevin's room. He's lying on the floor gracefully sleeping. Only though he isn't going to be waking up. You can see the blood oozing out of his sweet, pure body.

"What happened. Oh my God!! Please tell me he's not dead. Please." Tears rush down my face as I see my best friend lying on the floor, dead. I can't look away, but I know I want to.

" I-I don't know, I just came to get him up and say my baby boy lying here. What happened to my baby?!?!" Tessa, his mother, is lying over Kevin's cold dead body. Trying to keep all the blood in his body with her nightgown.

" I'm going to call 911. Stay right here. Don't worry Tessa, we'll find out what happened, I promise.

I hug her and rush to the phone and dial 911 on the phone while my hands are shaking crazy, with tears and blood all over me. The police come as fast as possible, and the investigators question Tessa and I. I didn't go to school that day. The investigators report Kevin was beaten with a blunt object about a dozen times at about 11:30 last night, and was shot with a .44 Magnum around 12:30 this morning. I stand there pinching myself trying to make myself wake up from this horrific nightmare, but it's not a nightmare, it's reality. Sadness overwhelms me.

The following week I was still in shock. Still in pain. The investigators close the case. Saying that they would never find out what happened to Kevin.

" Wait?!?! What?! You can't just give up on a murder case. Some innocent person was killed by a psychopath. I want to know who did this to him, I want to know who is responsible for this." I start to yell at the officer.

"I'm sorry there is nothing we can do at this point. We tried everything. There was no evidence at the crime scene."

"What the hell??? There is something you can do. Like, solve this dang murder. You can't give up on a murder. You can't just let some murderer stroll the streets, don't stop looking. It's your job to figure out who killed my son." Tessa was no longer screaming by now, she was crying.

" Miss, I'm going to have to ask you to leave please, like I said, there is nothing that I can do."

We walk out of the station, crying.

" Don't worry Tessa, I'll find out who did this to Kevin. I promise. I was close to him. I know everything about him and you know that." I say.

"Thank you so much, May." Tessa drives me home.

When I get home, Adam is yelling at mom and pushes her to the floor.

" What the heck Adam. What the hell are you doing? Get your hands off of my mom." I try jumping on him, but he just throws me off of him back like I am a sack of potatoes.

" This has nothing to do with you May. Go to your  room, before I beat you."

I run into my room, frightened and lock my door. My mother is knocked out. He isn't drunk. He's just pissed, but about what? He has such a bad temper. I've never seen him like this. The screaming stops and it's completely silent in the house. I slowly unlock my door and crack it to see what is going on. I see nothing. Slowly I make my way down the stairs and into the living room. Adam is gone and my mother is all bloody and beaten up. I call Tessa. She rushes over with her bandages. She's a nurse. She tells me to pack a bag for me and my mother. We go stay at her house for a while. Adam calls me and my mother about every five minutes. He threatens us with text messages and voicemail. In some, he's apologizing.

It's been about a week since the incident. I go into Kevin's room and sit on his cold bed that has been left alone for the past two weeks. It looks just like it did the morning he died. I get up and start looking through the drawers to find something, anything. I see nothing. Tessa's phone starts to ring.

"Hello?" Tessa says calmly.

She hangs up.

"They just got the results from the autopsy. He died from the gunshot. Have you found anything yet?" Tessa says with some relief.

"No, not yet. I'll try to find out who's gun was used." I run out of the room. I was trying to figure out who would want to harm Kevin. He was so nice to everyone. I couldn't think of anyone who would want to harm him. So I went in a different direction, maybe he got into a fight with some kid, and the kid hit Kevin. Once Kevin found a gun he might have thought to shoot himself?

I wonder why he would want to even harm himself, I mean, yeah, he was shy and was pretty quiet, but once you got to know him he wasn't. People did bully him because he was different. Everyone's different though. It's not adding up, it's not making any sense. 

Kevin wasn't into sports like most teenage boys, he wasn't into having sex with every girl he knew or met. He was a gentle, kind person. He wasn't buff, but he had abs and had muscles. He cared about others. He wanted to work on cars. He was basically the average teenage boy though.

Me and him had a really good relationship. We weren't just friends we started dating about a year ago. Thursday, August 7, 2016. Today would have been our anniversary. The day we started dating, was amazing. We were at a party and most were drinking, but we weren't. Me and him got bored so we went for a walk on the beach. The moon kissed the still ocean. We layed on the cold still sand. Our hands slowly intertwined. We kissed. And we talked. Talked about us. He said he had always liked me, not just as a friend, but as a crush.

The Perfect Day Gone WrongOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant